Maisy's Bedtime (Paperback) Maisy 56
루시 커진즈 지음 / Candlewick Press / 1999년 8월
평점 :

1.  What time is it?




         dinner time

         lunch time



2.  Who needs to go to bed?


         maisy and Panda

         maisy and Charley

         maisy and Baby

         maisy and Mom




3.  What does Maisy close?









3.  What does Maisy close?








5.  What does Maisy brush?


         her fur

         her whiskers

         her hair

         her teeth




6.  What does Maisy put on?









7.  What does Maisy do in bed?


         read a story

         eat a snack


         sing a song



8.  Where does Maisy check to find Panda finally?


         under the covers

         in the toy box

         behind the curtain

         over the table





9.  What does Maisy switch off?


         the camera

         the oven

         the computer

         the light



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