노부영 Willy the Dreamer (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 17
앤서니 브라운 글 그림 / Walker Books / 2000년 1월
평점 :


1. Where does Willy fall asleep?

on the bed

on the armchair

on the grass

on the floor

2. What kind of athlete does Willy dream of?

a wrestler

a judo player

a figure skater

a sumo wrestler

3. What kind of dancer does Willy dream of?

a ballet dancer

a tap dancer

a modern dancer

an ice dancer

4. In his dream, what does Willy like to do like Gogh?

He paints.

He dances.

He explores.

He writes.

5. In his dream, what does Willy do in the jungle?

He paints.

He dances.

He explores.

He writes.

6. Sometimes what can't Willy do in his dream?

He can't sing.

He can't swim.

He can't run.

He can't sleep.

7. Sometimes what can Willy do in his dream?

He can fly.

He can read others' mind.

He can be invisible.

He can run as fast as a plane.

8. Sometimes what can Willy be in his dream?

a beautiful mermaid

a fierce monster

a scary ghost

a handsome prince

9. What does Willy wear in his super-hero dream?

a banana shaped cape

an orange shaped cape

a strawberry shaped cape

a pineapple shaped cape

10. What does Willy wear in his king dream?

a yellow cloak

a green cloak

a golden cloak

a purple cloak


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