노부영 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (Boardbook + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 194
에릭 칼 그림, 빌 마틴 주니어 글 / Henry Holt / 2005년 7월
평점 :

어느 집에나 한 권씩 소장하고 있을 법한 영어 동화책계의 고전.



1.  What did Brown Bear see?


         Red Bird

         Purple Cat

         Blue Horse

         White Dog



2.  Who wrote this story?


         Eric Carle

         Eric Hill

         Bill Martin, Jr.

         Vera B. Williams



3.  What color was the frog?









4.  What was the first animal in the story?








5.  What did the children see?


         all the animals and their teacher

         only their teachers

         only the colorful flowers

         only the animal friends



6.  What was White Dog looking at?


         Red Bird

         Blue Horse

         Purple Cat

         Black Sheep





7.  What did the sheep see?


         Black Cat


         Yellow Duck

         White Dog



8.  What color was the duck?




         white and black




9.  What color was the sheep?






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