From Head to Toe (Paperback + CD 1장) - My Little Library Set PS-36 My Little Library Pre-Step Set 36
에릭 칼 지음 / 문진미디어(외서) / 2006년 4월
평점 :


1.  Which animal can turn its head?


         the penguin

         the giraffe

         the monkey

         the gorilla



2.  Which animal can bend its neck? 


         the giraffe

         the cat

         the monkey

         the elephant



3.  Which animal can raise its shoulder?


         the crocodile

         the giraffe

         the buffalo

         the gorilla




4.  Which animal can wave its arms?


         the cat

         the monkey

         the buffalo

         the penguin



5.  Which animal can clap its hands?


         the elephant

         the seal

         the buffalo

         the giraffe




6.  Which animal can thump its chest?


         the camel

         the seal

         the gorilla

         the crocodile



7.  Which animal can arch its back?


         the cat

         the monkey

         the buffalo

         the elephant



8.  Which animal can wriggle its hips? 


         the cat

         the giraffe

         the monkey

         the crocodile



9.  Which animal can bend its knees?


         the penguin

         the crocodile

         the camel

         the seal




10.  Which animal can stomp its feet? 


         the elephant

         the gorilla

         the cat

         the seal


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