Show and Tell (Paperback) - First Readers, Skills and Practice
Mercer Mayer 지음 / School Specialty / 2002년 8월
평점 :


1.  What did I bring to show and tell?









2.  What does my dog like to do? 








3.  What does my turtle like to do?








4.  Which pet likes to play?


         my dog

         my turtle

         my kitten

         my rat



5.  Which pet likes to sing?


         my bird

         my dog

         my turtle

         my kitten




6.  What does my hamster like to do?









7.  What is the name of my dog?








8.  Which pet is tied with a red leash?


         my dog

         my kitten

         my bird

         my hamster



9.  Where did my dog dig?


         in the ground

         in the plant pot

         in the box

         in the garbage bin



10.  Which pet was in the ball?


         my dog

         my kitten

         my turtle

         my hamster

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