Pajama Party (Paperback + CD 1장) All Aboard Reading Station Stop 1 (Book + CD) 7
Joan Holub 지음 / Grosset & Dunlap / 2007년 3월
평점 :

1.  What are my friends coming over for?


         for my housewarming party

         for my birthday party

         for my pajama party

         for my surprise party



2.  How many friends are coming over? 


         four people

         five people

         six people

         seven people



3.  What kind of food is prepared for us?





         burger sandwiches



4.  What is desserts for us?


         strawberry splits

         banana splits

         banana yogurt

         strawberry cakes



5.  What do we do with polish?


         We decorate my room with it.

         We polish our shoes with it.

         We paint pictures of ourselves. 

         We paint our nails with it.



6.  Who blows a bubble?






7.  Who starts a pillow fight at first? 





         my mother




8.  What do we have while a movie plays?








9.  Who gets the hiccups?





         all of us


10.  Who is the last one to fall asleep? 







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