Our Park (Paperback) - First Readers, Skills and Practice
Mercer Mayer 지음 / Mercer Mayer First Readers / 2001년 7월
평점 :

1.  What does my park look like? 


         It looks clean.

         It looks safe.

         It looks dirty.

         It looks tidy.



2.  Where are cans in the park? 


         in the stream

         on the tree

         on the bench

         on the grass



3.  What can we do to make the playground clean? 


         We can throw away the trash.

         We can pick up the trash.

         We can eat the trash.

         We can burn the trash.



4.  Where is the paper found in the park?


         on the tree

         in the stream

         under the bench

         under the ground



5.  What is around the picnic table in the park?


         our lunch boxes

         bottled water


         a picnic basket



6.  How should we take care of the park? 


         We should keep it dirty.

         We should keep it dry.

         We should keep it wet.

         We should keep it clean.




7.  Where should garbage be put in the park? 


         on the tree

         in the stream

         under the bench

         in the trash can



8.  What is seen on the playground in the park? 


         a seesaw


         a merry-go-round

         a tree house


9.  Where can we play baseball in the park?


         on the tree

         in the stream

         around the picnic table

         in the ball field



10.  What is a notice in the park saying? 


         It says 'Keep off the grass.'

         It says 'Not allowed food inside.'

         It says 'No park.'

         It says 'Keep it clean.'


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