No One Can Play (Paperback) - Little Critter First Readers Little Critter First Readers 1
Mercer Mayer 지음 / Brighter Child / 2001년 6월
평점 :

1.  Who can I run through the house with?


         with my mouse

         with my frog

         with my mother

         with my grasshopper



2.  What can I leap with my frog?


         over a couch

         over a table

         over a log

         over a fence



3.  Who can I hop in the grass with?


         with my rabbit

         with my frog

         with my sister

         with my grasshopper



4.  Where can I crawl?


         in the house

         in the grass

         on a log

         in the leaves



5.  Who can I crawl in the leaves with? 


         with my kitty

         with my sister

         with my grasshopper

         with my spider



6.  Where can I climb?


         up a tree

         up a log

         up a fence

         up a rock



7.  Who can I climb with? 


         with my kitty

         with my sister

         with my frog

         with my spider


8.  Where can I rest?


         on a tree

         on a log

         in the house

         in the shade




9.  Who can I rest in the shade with? 


         with my sister

         with my frog

         with my dog

         with my grasshopper



10.  What's the name of my dog?








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