New Kid in Town (Prebound)
Mayer, Mercer / Perfection Learning / 2002년 8월
평점 :


1.  Where did Gabby and Critter play catch? 


         in my front yard

         in Gabby's front yard

         on the street

         on the play ground


2.  What did Gabby point to? 


         a fire truck

         an ambulance

         a moving van

         a patrol car



3.  What was the boy's name sitting on the curb? 








4.  Why did Max look sad? 


         Because he was sick.

         Because he got lost.

         Because he missed his friends.

         Because he was hurt.



5.  Where did Critter take Max?


         to the park

         to the school

         to the hospital

         to the shopping mall



6.  What did Critter and his friends do in the park?


         They played catch.

         They played hide and seek.

         They flew a kite.

         They took a walk.



7.  Who jumped off the diving board?








8.  What did Maurice and Molly do in the ice cream shop?


         They sold the ice cream.

         They cleaned the floor.

         They ate ice cream.

         They made ice cream.



9.  Where did Critter and his friends go after the ice cream shop?


         to the swimming pool

         to the comic book store

         to the park

         to Critter's house



10.  Who was in Max's front yard? 


         Max's sister

         Critter's parents

         Max's parents

         a policeman


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