My Trip to the Zoo (Paperback) - Little Critter First Readers Little Critter First Readers 1
Mercer Mayer 지음 / Brighter Child / 2002년 5월
평점 :

1.  Who am I going to the zoo with? 


         with my class

         with my friends

         with my family

         with my grand parents



2.  How many people are there in my family?


         three people including me

         four people including me

         five people including me

         six people including me



3.  Which animals climb trees in the zoo?








4.  Which animals hop up and down in the zoo?









5.  Which animals take a bath in the zoo?








6.  Which animals dive in the water?









7.  Which animals roar in the zoo?








8.  What do I eat in the zoo?




         ice cream

         a cotton candy



9.  Which animals can live in the water?








10.  Which animals use their hands to eat bananas in the zoo?







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