The Little Christmas Tree (Paperback)
Mercer Mayer 지음 / Brighter Child / 2003년 8월
평점 :

1.  What did Dad bring home?


         a stray dog

         a new bike

         a Christmas tree

         a big box full of toys


2.  How did the tree which Dad brought look?


         It looked big and strong.

         It looked small but thick.

         It looked small and skinny.

         It looked small but strong.



3.  What did we bake?


         cheese cookies

         chocolate cookies

         walnut cookies

         gingerbread cookies



4.  Whose idea was baking cookies for the tree?


         It was my idea.

         It was my sister's idea.

         It was my mother's idea.

         It was my father's idea.



5.  Where did we put the cookies?


         on the fireplace

         in the socks

         on the table

         on the tree



6.  What did we make for the tree? 


         paper cookies

         paper stars

         paper bells

         paper snowflakes



7.  What colored bows did we make for the tree?


         red ones

         gold ones

         silver ones

         white ones



8.  What did we use to make strings for the tree? 


         cookies and blueberries

         chips and cranberries

         popcorn and cranberries

         doughnuts and blueberries


9.  Whose idea was making strings for the tree?


         It was my idea.

         It was my sister's idea.

         It was my grand mother's idea.

         It was my grand father's idea.




10.  What did I put on the top of the tree?


         a big snowflake

         a gold star

         a flower

         a yellow bow


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