Knock Knock Who's There? (Paperback)
샐리 그린들리 지음, 앤서니 브라운 그림 / Puffin / 2010년 8월
평점 :

1.  Who has fat furry arms and huge white teeth?


         a big gorilla

         a girl's daddy

         a creepy ghost

         a tall giant



2.  Who says that he or she will hug a little girl?


         a big gorilla

         a wicked old witch

         a creepy ghost

         a fierce scaly dragon



3.  Who has a long pointed hat and a wand full of magic?


         a tall giant

         a wicked old witch

         the girl's daddy

         a fierce scaly dragon




4.  Who says that he or she will turn the little girl into a frog?


         a big gorilla

         a wicked old witch

         a tall giant

         the girl's daddy



5.  Who has a face as white as a sheet? 


         a big gorilla

         a wicked old witch

         a creepy ghost

         a fierce scaly dragon



7.  Who says that he or she will cook the little girl for tea?


         a big gorilla

         a wicked old witch

         a creepy ghost

         a fierce scaly dragon




8.  Who has eyes like footballs and feet like a football pitch?


         a tall giant

         a wicked old witch

         the girl's daddy

         a fierce scaly dragon



9.  Who says that he or she will tread on the little girl? 


         a tall giant

         the girl's daddy

         a creepy ghost

         a fierce scaly dragon



10.  Who has a mug of hot chocolate and a story to tell? 


         the girl's daddy

         a wicked old witch

         a creepy ghost

         a fierce scaly dragon

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