PYR Level 2: Busy Bugs: A Book About Patterns (Paperback + CD) Puffin Young Reader Level 2 1
Jayne Harvey 지음, Adnet, Bernard 그림 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2011년 12월
평점 :


1.  How do busy bugs move?


         They move slowly.

         They move fast.

         They move loudly.

         They didn't move at all.



2.  What should ladybugs do for a special day? 


         They should eat a lot.

         They should shine their spots.

         They should spin their webs.

         They should take a nap.



3.  Where do ladybugs have their black spots?


         on their heads

         on their wings

         on their legs

         on their tummies




4.  Which bugs clean their wings for a special day? 








5.  Which bugs spin their webs for a special day?








6.  What do ants make patterns with?


         with their heads

         with their webs

         with the flowers

         with pencils



7.  Which bugs make things bright?








8.  How many bugs line up for the show?


         7 bugs

         8 bugs

         9 bugs

         10 bugs



9.  Which bugs want to show off their new dance?








10.  What do bugs do when the show is over?


         They go to bed.

         They start working.

         They bathe themselves.

         They have snacks.


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