Beach Day (Paperback) - Little Critter First Readers Little Critter First Readers 1
Mercer Mayer 지음 / Brighter Child / 2002년 8월
평점 :

1.  Who are we going to the beach with?


         with my friends

         with my father

         with my mother

         with my grand parents



2.  What do we spread on the sand? 



         swim suits






3.  Where do we put on flippers?


         on hands

         on shoulders

         on feet

         on heads



4.  What do we build in the beach?




         a sandcastle

         a log house



5.  What kind of ball do we play with in the beach?


         a basketball

         a baseball

         a beach ball

         a golf ball



6.  What do we pick up in the beach?








7.  What sign is in the beach?


         a sign saying 'No park.'

         a sign saying 'Wait in line.'

         a sign saying 'Don't litter!'

         a sign saying 'Pets are not allowed.'



8.  What do I wear in the water?



         a life jacket


         baseball cap




9.  How many flippers do I wear in the water? 


         just one

         a pair of flippers

         three flippers

         I don't wear flippers in the water.



10.  How do I deal with a crab I catch? 


         I bring it home to show it to my mom.

         I cook and eat it.

         I let it go back to the water.

         I give it to my sister as a present.


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