Arthur Helps Out (Paperback + CD)
마크 브라운 지음 / Little Brown / 2009년 2월
평점 :

아주 소소한 이야기이지만, 사소한 것이 일상에서는 얼마나 중요한지 일테면, 청소 같은 것 말이다. 집안일을 돕는 어린이 모습, 고단한 노동 끝에 전사의 휴식. 이 역시 숭고해라.



1.  What did Arthur want to do on Saturday morning?


         He wanted to help out Mom and Dad.

         He wanted to help out D.W.

         He wanted to play.

         He wanted to do his homework.



2.  What did Arthur need to do?


         He needed to play with his friends.

         He needed to see his friends.

         He needed to sit in the tree house.

         He needed to help out around house.



3.  What did Arthur mutter to himself?


         "My room is always messy."

         "I don't see what's wrong with my room."

         "I don't know where things are."

         "I should have cleaned my room earlier."




4.  What couldn't Arthur believe?


         D.W. wore so many different things.

         D.W. wore only a few things.

         D.W.'s room was so messy.

         D.W.'s room was so neat and clean.



5.  What did Arthur stuff in a barrel?


         Bionic Bunny

         the trash

         the plates

         the glasses



6.  Who helped Arthur get free?









7.  Who gave Pal a bath?








8.  What did D.W. want to help?


         collecting the dirty laundry

         taking out the trash

         giving Pal a bath

         unloading the dishwasher




9.  What are easy to break?


         plates and glasses






10.  Where did Arthur carry boxes?


         into Mom's office

         into the attic

         into the kitchen

         into his room



11.  What did Arthur leave out when he picked up toys?


         Teddy Bear

         Bionic Bunny

         a toy car

         a soccer ball



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