Arthur's Homework (Paperback + CD)
마크 브라운 지음 / Little Brown / 2009년 2월
평점 :

마감기한이 금요일까지인 숙제를 월요일에 받았지만 목요일이 되도록 아서는 자신의 숙제를 하지 못한다. 친구들의 숙제를 도와주느라 하루 이틀을 남은 날들을 보냈기 때문이다. 하지만, 금요일까지 자신의 숙제를 하지 못한 아서는 선생님께 꾸중을 듣는데, 친구들이 선생님께 자신들의 숙제가 아서와의 공동 작업이었음을 밝혀 주고, 아서는 선생님께 칭찬도 듣고, 친구들과의 우정도 확인하게 되는 훈훈한 결말. 그런데 숙제한번 거창도 하지, 자기들이 사는 동네에 대해 조사하는 프로젝트인데, 동네의 역사를 연구하기 위해 동영상 촬영을 하거나, 동네를 한눈에 조망하는 모형들을 만든다.


1.  When were the Town Projects due?

         They were due on Monday.

         They were due on Friday.

         They were due on Thursday.

         They were due on Tuesday.



2.  Why was Arthur a little worried?


         He had lots of other things to do besides the project.

         He wanted to watch the baseball game.

         He didn't like his friends.

         He didn't have an idea for his project yet.



3.  Who was studying wind patterns around Elwood City?



         the Brain





4.  Who did Arthur help out on Monday?




         the Brain

         Mr. Ratburn




5.  What was Buster doing on Tuesday?


         He was watching a video at home.

         He was making a video about Elwood City.

         He was buying some candies at the store.

         He was making a model of Elwood City.



6.  Who did Buster want Arthur to be to do his project?


         a cameraman



         the driver



7.  Who stopped by after school on Wednesday?




         the Brain





8.  What was Francine doing on Thursday?


         She was making a poster.

         She was studying wind patterns around Elwood City.

         She was making a video about Elwood City.

         She was making a model of Elwood City.



9.  What did Arthur do to help Francine?


         He drew a poster.

         He mixed pail after pail of plaster.

         He flew a kite.

         He cleaned the bathroom.



10.  Who didn't bring the project?





         the Brain



11.  How many projects did Arthur work on?








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