Pig Out! (Paperback + CD 1장)
언어세상 편집부 지음 / Penguin Putnam Books / 2009년 8월
평점 :

 피크닉에 나서려고 했다가, 먹는 것으로 끝장 본 가족의 조금은 씁쓸한 이야기.


1.  Who looked out the window? 

         Mama pig /  Papa pig / little pigs /  none


2.  What did the pigs decide to do? 

  to sleep all day long / to go fishing / to go swimming /  to go on a picnic


3.  What did little pigs find in the closet?

  the picnic mat / the picnic table / the picnic basket / the picnic plates


4.  Where did pigs carry the picnic basket? 

  into the living room / into the dining room

 / into the kitchen / into the garage


5.  What didn't the pigs put into the basket? 

   lots of bread / lots of eggs /  lots of bananas /  lots of pineapples


6.  What wasn't in the basket? 

  corn /   honey /  nuts  / cookies

7.  What was delivered to pigs' house? 

  lots of bread /  lots of cake /  lots of cheese /  lots of pizza


  8.  How was the basket which was full of food? 

    too light / too heavy / too dirty /  too neat

9.  What did the pigs decide to do instead of a picnic? 


         to watch TV  /  to invite friends /  to have a party / to sleep all day long


10.  What did the pigs do with all the food?   

         They threw it away. / They gave it out.

     They ate it up. / They kept it in the refrigerator.


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