Frederick (Paperback) - 느리게100권읽기 4색과정 (빨강) 느리게100권읽기-1차추천도서 4
레오 리오니 / Dragonfly / 2017년 1월
평점 :

1.  Where did a family of field mice have their home?





    in the wall




    in the town




    in the house




    in the tree








2.  What did Frederick do before winter?





    He worked day and night.




    He didn't work.




    He gathered corns and nuts.




    He collected wheat and straw.









3.  What didn't Frederick gather for winter days?





    sun rays





















4.  Why did Frederick gather words?





    Because the winter days are long.




    Because field mice forget words.




    Because field mice like chatting.




    Because Frederick likes dreaming.








5.  What did four mice paint in their minds about colors?





    red bush




    green poppies




    blue periwinkles




    white wheat









6.  Who painted in the flowers according to Frederick's poet?





    spring mouse




    summer mouse




    fall mouse




    winter mouse









7.  What was Frederick's response when four mice applauded?





    He blushed.




    He simply said, "Close your eyes."




    He smiled.




    He hid.









8.  Who is the author?





    Molly Bang




    Ezra Jack Keats




    Maurice Sendak




    Leo Lionni


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