사라의 열쇠
타티아나 드 로즈네 지음, 이은선 옮김 / 문학동네 / 2011년 8월
평점 :

Such a heart wrenching story. I saw the movie first and was surprised how well the movie portrayed the book. It's almost 100% similar.

Through the life of Sarah and sarah's adopted family, the writer shows how painful and awful concentration camps were and what consequences it has on the people affected. ANd how much that experience traumatizes ones life. Sarah tries to live a normal life and meets a wonderful family, but she cannot forget how she killed her brother and her experience in the camp. She tries to forget by leaving to America and severing all ties with her adopted family. But that does not help as well.

It's horrifying how normal people just watched and let this craziness happen. As the translator writes : Primo Levi said there are monsters but few. It's the normal people that are dangerous. People who don't criticize and ask questions and just follows authority.

I would love to watch the documentary : Blind Spot : Hitler's Secretary

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