Coraline (Paperback)
닐 게이먼 지음, 데이브 맥킨 그림 / HarperFestival / 2008년 10월
평점 :



     Coraline is one of my favorite stories. I saw the movie more than 10 times and read the book translated in Korean, too. This is the first time to read the original version. I would like to praise the author to write this kind of creative story and the characters.


     This book is a little different from the movie. There is no boy ‘Y.B.’ in the book, but they are mostly similar. If some kids read this book, they might be brave because of Coraline. She moved to a new house which contain the magical door to go to another side of the world. It’s a kind of incredible idea for the bored kid who like to explore something interesting like Coraline. They might be thrilled during reading this book.


     It took long time to read this book to me. I wonder if I would read other English books fast after all.



- In danger? thought Coraline to herself. It sounded exciting. (p.21)

- Coraline knew that when grown-ups told you something wouldn’t hurt it almost always did. (p.45)

- Normally, in the night before the first day of term, Coraline was apprehensive and nervous. But, she realized, there was nothing left about school that could scare her anymore. (p.161)

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