[노부영] There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly (Paperback + CD 1장) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 144
심스 태백 지음 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2006년 5월
평점 :



옛날옛날에 파리를 삼킨 할머니가~ 라는 심스 태백의 동화책 원서이다. 좁쌀 한톨로 장가 든 총각과 유사한 버전. 침소봉대 점층적인 이야기. 좁쌀 쪽은~ 다소 강짜를 부려도 지혜롭기나 했지, 먹이사슬 법칙에 의거 파리 잡자고 계속 삼키기만 하는 이 할머니의 말로는 우리가 예상하는 바와 같다. 어쩌거나 아이들은 이 책이 웃기단다.



1.  Who swallowed a fly?




         an old lady



         a pretty girl



         a naughty boy



         a gentle man









2.  Which is true about the story?




         The lady swallowed a fly to catch a spider.



         The lady would perhaps die because she swallowed a fly.



         The lady swallowed a fly because she was hungry.



         The lady sneezed and the fly came out. 









3.  Why did the lady swallow a spider?




         She did it by mistake.



         Because she was so hungry.



         Because she wanted the spider to catch the fly.



         Because she was so blind she thought the spider was a chocolate.







4.  After swallowing the spider, what did she swallow? 




         a fly



         another spider



         a bird



         a snake











5.  Why did the lady swallow the bird?




         She did it by mistake.



         Because she was so hungry.



         Because someone cooked it for her.



         Because she wanted the bird to catch the spider.









6.  Why did the lady swallow a cat? 




         She did it by mistake.



         Because she was so hungry.



         Because someone told her to do it.



         Because she wanted the cat to catch the bird.








7.  Why did the lady swallow a dog?




         She did it by mistake.



         Because the dog wanted it.



         Because the dog looked so delicious.



         Because she wanted the dog to catch the cat.







8.  What did the lady swallow to catch the dog? 




         a cat



         a dog



         a cow



         a wolf








9.  What did the lady swallow last?




         a cow



         a wolf



         a horse



         a pig







10.  What happened to the lady finally?




         She was so full.



         She was so happy.



         She was dead.



         She was still hungry.



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