노부영 Joseph Had a Little Overcoat (Hardcover + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 250
심스 태백 지음 / Viking / 2005년 6월
평점 :


1.  What did Joseph's overcoat look like?


         It looked new and fashionable.

         It looked old and worn.

         It looked old and thick.

         It looked new and cool.



2.  Where did Joseph go wearing a jacket made out of his overcoat? 


         to the theater

         to the fair

         to the pool

         to the market



3.  What did Joseph make out of his jacket? 




         a vest

         a hat




4.  What did Joseph wear at his nephew's wedding?


         his overcoat

         his jacket

         his vest

         his pajamas



5.  What did Joseph make out of his vest?




         a vest

         a scarf



6.  What did Joseph make out of his scarf?





         a necktie



7.  Where did Joseph meet his married sister?


         on the farm

         in the city

         in the park

         in the church



8.  What did Joseph make out of his tie?



         a hat


         a handkerchief



9.  What did Joseph put in hot tea?









10.  What did Joseph's button fasten?


         his boots

         his necktie

         his shirt

         his suspenders


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