Blink (Mass Market Paperback) - 『블링크』 원서
말콤 글래드웰 지음 / Back Bay Books / 2005년 1월
평점 :

i was fascinated by the minute I took hold of it.

I read the Tipping Point quite a long time ago, and i remembered it was also very eye catching.

However blink is more psychological and personal. The author shows us the importance of trusting our instincts. I remember watching was a show on child molesters.. and how we should always listen to that nagging voice in our mind when we feel something is not right .. especially concerning children...we humans have been taught to always look at the facts, don't judge a book by its cover..give everyone the benifit of the doubt...but actually we should listen to our instincts..of course they can be wrong.. because our emotions can be programmed and deprogrammed

 THis book also shows how are sixth sense can be trained to react in intense situations

our judgement when hightened can save us but it can also blind us

I learned never to be overconfident about my split judgement


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