세상 끝에서 만난 아이들 - 사라진 아이들을 찾아 네팔로 떠난 뉴요커, 그와 함께한 천 일의 기록
코너 그레넌 지음, 이진 옮김 / 뿔(웅진) / 2012년 5월
평점 :

compelling story of the tragedy in nepal and how 2 men dared to save the lives of the ignored.

Having lived in nepal the reality of the writier's story felt more true. you see so many people living in poverty and the mindset of nepali people to send their children far away to absolute strangers is still happening even today.

It's amazing how 7 children found their way back to the orphanage and reunited with their parents.

Jumla is soo remote but during the confllict i can only imagine how isolated it must have been.


this book portrays that there is still hope and if you wish hard enough dreams do come true.



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