Here Comes Trouble: Stories by Michael Moore (Paperback)
마이클 무어 지음 / Grand Central Pub / 2011년 9월
평점 :

I loved the book! I've seen all of Michael Moore's documentaries except Roger & Me..which i will definitely get.

It was shocking to know that MM wanted to become a priest when young..but soon decided politics/journalist was the way for him.

It was powerful that he started off by his death threat and how he became the most hated person in America. I never imagined it was sooo difficult for him...having to have security guards 24/7...multiple death's just horrible how amercian people can get...

Also the things he went through as the youngest elected district school board of clandestine meetings, no recording etc is something korea is going through now...especially the resemblance with nixon and MB is shocking! I guess democracy takes time and the process is pretty similar.

His experience of giving a speech at 17 on the racial discrimination at Elks Club really changed his view on how one event can change society/laws. Moore reflects "that change can occur, and it can occur anywhere, with even the simplest of people the craziest of intentions, and that creating change didn't alwasy require having to devote your every waking hour to it with mass meetings and organizations and protests and TV appearances with Walter Cronkite. Sometimes change can occur because all you wanted was a bag of potato chips"(191)

The most shocking was Moore had no training as a documentary film maker! He just really loved watching movies...I hope he makes many more of them.

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