Eat, Pray, Love (Paperback) - 『먹고 기도하고 사랑하라』 원서
Elizabeth Gilbert 지음 / Penguin U.S / 2007년 11월
평점 :

I know this book was a big hit in the US. But I never could get myself to read it. I just assumed it was one of those self-help books or religious guide.  
But one night at a gathering someone mentioned that the movie is crap but the book is really great and that this book is the favorite of almost anyone whose ever read it. 

So I decided to take a shot. The book really is amazing. I really like the way the writer writes. I'd like to write like her someday. It's amazing how if you really wish for something and you chase happiness you will get it. But the important thing is after. How you try to keep that happiness.  

Well I'm buying this book to all my friends for x-mas presents this year!

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