식코 SE - 아웃케이스 없음
마이클 무어 감독 / 아인스엠앤엠(구 태원) / 2008년 7월
평점 :
i watched all his films...they are really witty and insightful i watched capitalism-a love story first,...i guess moore got the idea for an alternative to capitalism here....in france...or maybe he already thought it.. the first segment was a bit difficult to watch...i really cannot stomach blood... contrasting the health system of cuba to the US was ingenious! going to guatanamo bay where they do have universal health care i hope obama can go through with the health care reform in his term i didn't understand how the US had such a high mortality rate for infants but now i know. since the american politicians put such high emphasis on choice they should listen to what they say and give people the choice to choose universal health care