Carve the Mark (Paperback)
Veronica Roth / Katherine Tegen Books / 2017년 12월
평점 :

Galaxy-non significant planets and countless other fringe ones (Zolidia, Ogra, Pitha
Nation-Planet Thuvhe  (Hessa, Shissa, Osoc)
Akos and his brother Eijeh are kidnapped by Shotets.
Kereseth family: Aoseh(father), Sifa(oracle), Cisi(daughter), Eijeh(son), Akos(son)

Orieve Benesit
Isae Benesit: chancellor

Shotet - people on the same planet as Thuvhesits separated by feather grass(Divide). sojourn ritual. scavenge. Via
Noavak family : Ylira(mother), Lazmet(father), Ryzek(son), Cyra(daughter) 
Vas Kuzar: steward. cannot feel pain. kills Akos father. killed by Akos
Suzao : Jorek is Suzao's son. he asks Akos to kill Suzao 
Ara Kuzar: Jorek's mother
Kalmev Radix: elite, killed by Akos
Otega: Cyra's tutor
Uzul Zetsyvis (husband) / Yma Zetsyvis/Surukta (wife)/ Lety (daugther)
Zosita, Teka Surukta : renegades

Fates are something that happens to a particular person in every single version of the future.
Those fates determine who the fate-favored families are.
Akos: die în service to the family Noavek /speaks Shotet/interrupts current
Eijeh: to see the future of the galaxy(oracle)
Ryzek: fall to the family Benefit / power to exchange memories
Cyra: cross the Divide/ gift to feel pain to others

The Assembly announced the fates of the favored lines. Ryzek kidnapps Akos and Eijeh because of their fates. Ryzek needs Eijeh to read the future and change his fate. His sister Cyra has the ability to inflict pain on others as well as on herself. Ryzek uses Cyra as a weapon. Akos is sent to Cyra to ease her pain. His ability is to interrupt currents. Akos goal is to free is brother from Ryzek and go back home. Cyra hates her brother and wants to escape him. Cyra and Akos make a deal. Cyra trains Akos in combat and Akos teaches Cyra to make painkillers. Cyra and Akos fall in love and they work together with the resilience and the chancellor of Thuvhe to defeat Ryzek. They take both Eijeh and Ryzek to Thuvhe. Ryzek reveals that Cyra and he do not have the same father. Luzmet is still alive.

Carve the mark: tradition of Shotet to carve the number of losses lives on their skin.

Akos couldn‘t stand it anymore. "I don‘t want to be rude." he said, "but I need to know about Cyra."
Ara folded her hands over her stomach. "What about Miss Noavek?"
"Is she...?" He couldn‘t quite say the world.
"She is alive."
- P346

His mouth-still under my fingers- twitched into a smile.
"Because I came for your, you idiot."
I laughed and fell against him, not strong enough to stand anymore.
- P367

When he first met her, he thought she was this fearsome thing, this monster he needed to escape. But she had unfurled bit by bit, showing him her wicked humor by waking him with a knife to his throat, talking about herself with unflinching honesty, for better or for worse, and loving - so deeply - every little bit of this galaxy, even the parts she was supposed to hate.
She was not a rusty nail, as she had once told him, or a hot power, or a blade in Ryzek‘s hand. She was a hush flower, - P374

all power and possibility Capable of doing good and harm in equal measure.
AKo‘s breath shuddered as he pressed his mouth to hers. He wasn‘t sure what it would be like, kissing her this way, not because she surprised him and he didn‘t think to pull away, but because he just wanted to. She tasted malt and spiced from the painkiller she had swallowed, and she was a little hesitant, like she was afraid to hurt time. But kissing her was touching match to kindling. He burned for her. - P375

Sivbarat. Zethetet.
Sivbarat referred to a person‘s dearest friend, some so close that to lose them would be like losing a limb.
Zethetet: beloved
- P388

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