Life Lessons: Two Experts on Death and Dying Teach Us about the Mysteries of Life and Living (Paperback) - Two Experts on Death and Dying Teach Us about the Mysteries of Life and Living
엘리자베스 퀴블러-로스 외 지음 / Scribner / 2001년 11월
평점 :

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross was a reknown psychiatrist and pioneer of the hospice movement, wrote many books on death and dying. Her most famous is <on death and dying>.

This book <Life Lessons> is coauthored by David Kessler. This book is about life;s meaning and how to live life to the fullest. The authors interviewed people on the death beds asking them what they would like to say before they go.
We tend to miss out on life because of fear. Fear of failure, fear of death. The author gives us hope, that when circumstances are at their worst, we find our best. Everyone carries the seed of greatness.
She recommends that once in a while, we should try something odd or new. We may learn something about our self. We should also try to be true to ourself, authentic.
Life is too short to waste. Take chances, love and live without regret.