Me Before You : The international phenomenon from the bestselling author of Someone Else’s Shoes 2023 (Paperback)
Moyes, Jojo 지음 / Michael Joseph / 2012년 1월
평점 :

I've seen this book advertised for so long and I finally got a change to read it. I was pleasantly surprising to see this book in my neighborhood library! 

There are some books where the flow of writing s so good that once you pick up the book it's difficult to stop until you finish it.

Jojo Moyes is that kind of writer. This is my first book by her. I was really impressed by the way she expresses the emotions of the characters and the plot was so engaging.
The controversy of dying with dignity is universal. I also read about Dignitas in Switzerland where it is legal to end your life by choice. I believe dying with dignity should be a human right but I never thought about the pain that family and friends would feel about the decision. The photos that I saw were mostly of old patients with their loved ones smiling.
I suppose in case of Will, an energetic 35 year old, the decision would be more difficult for his family rather than for himself.Also I suppose dying with dignity might also be a class thing. If you didn't have enough money this couldn't be an option.

Lou is such a sweet girl and I felt so sorry for her that she should be sucked into this hopeless situation.
A six month suicide watch turns into a life searching journey. Who knows what fate has in store for us?
But the six months of Will and Lou's life has changed them forever. Lou has faced her demons and got up the will to face her future as well. 

"You only really appreciate a garden once you reach a certain age." 

I suppose you only really appreciate life once you meet the right person.

Dignitas in CZ :

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