About a Boy (Paperback)
Nick Hornby 지음 / Riverhead Books / 2002년 4월
평점 :

This book is hilarious! I loved the movie but the book is a bit different. Especially the ending.

In the movie it was more about Will, but in the book it's more on Marcus.

The author focuses on the burden, fear that Marcus feels as a kid who sees his mom commit suicide.

Since Marcus is a sensitive kid, but not very good at understanding jokes, or satires, he always gets noticed in school and bullied.

On the other hand, Will is detached from life but also has a firm compass.

The reason he decides to join SPAT is hilarious! 

The train ride to Cambridge with Ellie isn't in the movie. Which is quite alright. 

Marcus's theory on the acrobatic display. it's different from 'no man is an island' theme of the movie though.

This movie focuses more on adults and how vulnerable they are. 

Everyone has problems and we all just live through life despite all that.

It's comforting to know that you have friends in the end.

As Marcus puts it "i don't think couples are the future"

Will didn‘t know the first thing about Einstein‘s private life, but in his photos he looked like guy with other things on his mind.

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