마흔에도 미국 드라마가 들린다 1 - 우보현.장원재의 대박영어 Epic English 마흔에도 미국 드라마가 들린다 1
우보현.장원재 지음 / 북앤피플 / 2016년 5월
평점 :

"마흔에도 미드가 들린다"고 하면서 단어 하나하나는 쉬우나 문장이 되면 무슨 말인가 싶은 표현들을 정리해 놨다. 여기 나오는 표현들의 빈도가 미드에 정말 많이 나오는 건지 궁금하다.

그리고 마흔이라는 나이를 제시한 건 무슨 이유일까?

그 동안 적어도 30년 동안은 다른 책들 많이 봤다고 가정하는 건지,

아니면 한 최소 10년은 영어 손 놓고 있던 사람들이니깐 다시 으쌰으쌰 시작해보자는 건지... 그렇다면 편집할 때 오타에 좀 신경을 썼어야 하는 게 아닌지. 책 제목과 기획 의도가 마음에 들어 이 책을 보기 시작했지만, 읽다가 포기했다. 오타가 너무.... 너무..... 너무.... 많이 나와서.

동영상 강의를 보면 오타 및 오류에 대한 의문이 불릴까해서 찾아봤지만, 책에 나오는 주소로 들어가도 안나온다. ㅠ.ㅜ


p25 B) Please be patience. -> Please be patient.


p26 A) Why don't you ask her for go out if you love her?

-> Why don’t you ask her for going out if you love her?


p27 A) Can you tell me the Do’s and Don’ts of studying English.

-> Can you tell me the Do’s and Don’ts of studying English?


p32 Appears외모, 생김새의 뜻이다. -> Appearance외모, 생김새의 뜻이다.


p32 The more I see her the more, she is no good match for me.

-> The more I see her, the more she is no good match for me.


p37 act like millionaire -> act like a millionaire


p38 She said that’s okey but it still bothers me.

-> She said that’s okay but it still bothers me.


p43 Not of your stupid tricks. -> None of your stupid tricks.


p44 I can’t afford to bug a car. -> I can’t afford to buy a car.


p51 She uses a lot of different way to manipulate us.

-> She uses a lot of different ways to manipulate us.


p54 You are not talker my language.

-> You are not talking my language.


p56 Nobody know human psychology.

->Nobody knows human psychology.


p57 They gain time to make decision.

-> They gain time to make a decision.


p57 A) But takes long time is no good.

-> But taking long time is no good.


p59 36. You’ll get hurt you of you try to know too much.

-> You’ll get hurt you if you try to know too much.


p61 I sometime work on eggshells.

-> I sometimes work on eggshells.


p63 He asked about my family blurted out.

-> He blurted out my family.


p63 Un expectedly -> Unexpectedly


p65 Are you trying to pacity comfort me what you did?

-> Are you trying to pacify comfort me after what you did?


p68 The more I see her the more, she is beautiful.

-> The more I see her, the more she is beautiful.


p68 northing less than -> northing less than


p71 She forgive his mistake. -> She forgave his mistake.


p75 그렇다면 play hook는 뭘까? -> 그렇다면 play hooky는 뭘까?


p78 B) Of course, I have been playing guitar for 20 years.

-> Of course, I have been playing the guitar for 20 years.


p79 Why are you are you all turning on me?

-> Why are you alll turning on me?


p80 Nothing happen아무 일도 없었다

-> Nothing happened아무 일도 없었다


p82 Please clam down. -> Please calm down.


p83 He is a prsident in name. - > He is a president in name.


p84 Whe don't you give it a whirl?

-> Why don’t you give it a whirl?


p84 정치적 혼란은 Political desorder이며 -> 정치적 혼란은 Political disorder이며


p85 He bottle out when he saw competent woman.

-> He bottled out when he saw a competent woman.


p85 B) I bottled out when I saw one of competent woman.

-> I bottled out when I saw one of competent women.


p86 B) I was so touching to death that I almost cried.

-> It was so touching to death that I almost cried.


p87 He is rally loyal man. -> He is really loyal man.


p90 B) Well, he is a weak to the strong and strong to the weak.

-> Well, he is weak to the strong and strong to the weak.


p91 B) What’s ? -> What?


p92 2째줄 He is a good at talking -> He is good at talking.

      9째줄 lip realing -> lip reading


p93 2nd line Nobody know until it’s over. => Nobody knows until it’s over.


p94 A) Actnally -> Actually


p99 You’re got to get yourself together. => You’ve got to get yourself together.


p100 At last, he want to show himself true colors.

=> At last, he wants to show himself true colors.


p102 There is something more meets the eye!

-> There is something more than meets the eye!


p102 A) I think, He is very rich and good man.

-> I thinnk he is a very rich and good man.


p104 Do not intrude their into an affair.

-> Do not intrude into their affair.


p104 He always meddling in other peoples affairs.

-> He always meddling in other people’s affairs.


p105 It’s not must be boast about it 역시 자랑거리가 아니다.’ 이다.

-> It’s not boast about it.


p105 I don’t to boast but I can speak many language.

-> I don't want ot boast but I can speak many languages.

p106 They served us delicious dinner.

-> They served us a delicious dinner.


p107 A) Clam down -> Calm down.  


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