엄마표 생활영어 레시피 : 훈육편 - How are you? Fine. Thank you. And you? 이제 그만!
반두레(시온맘) 지음 / 서사원 / 2022년 1월
평점 :

찐 실생활에서 쓸 수 있는 표현들로 구성되어 있다. 

매일 내 아이에게 우리말로 하고 있는 표현들이기에, 엄마표 생활영어를 실천하고 싶은 엄마들에게 매우 유용한 책이다. 

반복적인 부분이 있다는 것은 단점이면서 또 장점이다. 지면 낭비다 싶다가도, 그만큼 많이 쓰는 표현이란 얘기니까. 

아이가 울 때 단순히 "울지 마!" 하는 게 아니라 "울지 말고 말로 해보렴" 이라고 한다던가, 아이가 어른들의 말이 끝날때 까지 기다려 줬을 때 "기다려줘서 고맙다"는 표현을 해주는 것은 영어 공부를 떠나 훈육의 방법을 알려준다는 점에서 좋았다. 

단, 훈육 상황에서 p255 경찰 아저씨 불러야겠네 "I should tell the policeman."이 나오는데, 이런 말은 우리말로 하는 것도 좋지 않다고 다른 육아서에서 읽었다. 훈육의 책임을 다른 사람에게 돌리는 것이라고 했던 것 같다. 이건 굳이 단점을 찾아보자면 그렇다는 거고, 이 책은 엄마표 영어 책 중에 실용성면서에는 최고다.  

p83 토닥토닥 “There. There.”


p140 친구도 그네 타고 싶어하네. 먼저 타게 해주는 거 어때?

“She wants to play on a swing, too. Why don’t you let her go first?”

*그네를 타다: try the swing / get on a swing / play on a swing

*시소를 타다: ride a seesaw / try the seesaw / get on a seesaw / play on a seesaw

*미끄럼틀을 타다: slide down / try the slide / play on a slide / go down a slide

*구름사다리를 타다: try the monkey bars / play on the monkey bars / climb up the monkey bars

*철봉에 매달리다: try the horizontal bar / hang down from a horizontal bar


p156 같이 가지고 놀자. “Try sharing” / Why don’t you try sharing?


p169 던지면 안 돼. 던지는 건 안 돼. “Throwing is not a right thing to do.” / No throwing! / Throwing is not nice(right). / Throwing is not a nice thing to do. / Throwing is not allowed. / Throwing is not acceptable.


p171 화난다고 물건을 던지는 건 아니란다. “No matter how angry you are, you must not throw things.” / You must not throw anything even when you are mad(/angry / upset). / No matter how mad you are, you must not throw things.


p179 화가 난다고 해서 그렇게 하면 안 된다. “Even if you are upset, you should not act that way.”


p198 새끼손가락 걸고 약속! “Make a promise with your pinky.” / Pinky swear. / Pinky promise. / It’s a promise. / Make a pinky promise.


p218 오늘 몇 개 보려고? “How many episodes will you watch?”


p223 오늘 너무 많이 봤어. “That’s enough for today.” / You’ve watched enough. / You’ve watched too much. / You’ve watched for a long time. / You’ve watched too many episodes today.


p228 그것까지만 보렴. “That should be your last episode.” / That’s the last one. / That’s the last episode. / That should be your last episode.


p242 재밌게 잘 보네. “You seem to be enjoying the show.”


p274 혼자 할 수 있는 거란다. “You can manage it on your own.” / You can do it yourself. / You can do it by yourself. / You can do it on your own.

p287 더 놀고 싶구나? “Do you want to play more?”

p290 이제 들어가자구나 “Let’s head inside.” / Let’s go back. / Let’s go inside. / Let’s go back home.

p294 우리 내일 와서 또 놀자구나. “Let’s come back and play agina tomorrow.”


p314 약속 잘 지켜서 예쁘다 “I’m proud of you for keeping your promise.”


p326 두 손을 배꼽에 “Put your hands on your belly button. Do it properly.” / Hands on your belly. / Put both hands on your belly button. / Do it politely. / Do it properly.


p327 배꼽인사 해야지 “You should bow down.”


p341 스스로 할 수 있겠어? “Are you able to do it by yourself?”


p354 무엇을 잘못했지? 잘못한 게 뭔지 아니? “Do you know what you should be sorry about?” / What did you do wrong? / What are you sorry for? / What are you sorry about?


p385 다신 그러지 말자. “Don’t ever do that again.”


p388 잘 안 될 땐 짜증내지 말고, “엄마! 도와주세요!”라고 이야기해주면 좋겠어 알았지? “If you are having trouble, ask for help instead of throwing a fit. Okay?”


p389 울지말고 이야기했으면 좋겠어 “Don’t cry, instead talk to me.” / I don’t want you to cry, instead talk to me.


p407-409 (빨래) 널기만 하면 돼. “The only thing I have left is hanging out the laundry. This is all I have left to do.”

(빨래) 개고 수납만 하면 돼. “The only thing I have left is folding and putting the laundry in the drawer. I’ll be done after this.”

청소기만 돌리면 돼. “I’m vacuuming the floor. This is all I have left to do.”


p410 I’m wiping the floor.

손걸레질하다 wipe / 대걸레질하다 mop


p430 이것도/그것도 싫어? “This doesn’t pique your interest?” / Is this not “it”? / You don't like that, either?


p437 업혀 보렴, 엄마가 업어줄게 “Let me carry you on my back.” / Get on my back. / I’ll carry you on my back. / Let me carry you on my back. / I’ll give you a piggyback ride.


p442-443 종이접기 할까? 종이접기 하고 싶니? Do you want to do origami? / Should we do origami?

소꿉놀이 할까? 소꿉놀이 하고 싶니? Would you like to play grown-up? / Should we play house? / Should we play grown-up?


p446-447 엄마랑 산책 나갈까? “Do you want to have a stroll?” / Do you want to walk? / Do you want to take a walk(a stroll)?


p448 나가서 바람 쐬고 오자 “Let’s step outside to get some fresh air.” / Let’s go get some fresh air.


p453 킥보드 탈래? 킥보드 타고 싶니? “Should we ride a scooter?” / Do you want to ride a scooter? / Would you like to ride a scooter?


p461 그럼 나가 보자 “Let’s get going.” / Let’s go. / Let’s go out. / Let’s go outside.


p472 점점 더 잘하는데 “You’re showing progress.” / You’re improving. / You’re getting so good at it. / You’re getting better and better. / You’re doing a lot better than before.


p489 그만 해! 더는 안 되겠다, 그만 하렴 “Mommy said, pack it in.” / Stop it. / Cut it out. / (That’s) enough.


p503 조용히 해, 목소리 조금 낮추렴. “Speak softly, please.” / Inside voice. / Indoor voice. / Tone it down. / Keep it down. / Lower your tone(voice).


p505 안 되는 건 안되는 거야. “When I say, ‘No!’ I mean it.” / No means no.



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