누구나 함께 글을 작성할 수 있는 카테고리입니다. 이 카테고리에 글쓰기

 * Marcus Didius Falco 시리즈

 1. The Silver Pigs (1989)  실버 피그

 2. Shadows in Bronze (1990)   청동 조각상의 그림자

 3. Venus in Copper (1991)
 4. The Iron Hand of Mars (1992)
 5. Poseidon's Gold (1993)
 6. Last Act in Palmyra (1994)
 7. Time to Depart (1995)
 8. A Dying Light in Corduba (1996)
 9. Three Hands in the Fountain (1997)
 10. Two for the Lions (1998)
 Falco on His Metal (omnibus) (1999)
 11. One Virgin Too Many (1999)
 12. Ode to a Banker (2000)
 13. A Body in the Bath House (2001)
 14. The Jupiter Myth (2002)
 15. The Accusers (2003)
 Falco on the Loose (omnibus) (2003)
 16. Scandal Takes a Holiday (2004)
 17. See Delphi and Die (2005)

* Novels

The Course of Honour (1997)

작가 웹사이트 : www.lindseydavis.co.uk

팔코 시리즈


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* Evan Tanner 시리즈

Tanner's Twelve Swingers (1968)
The Thief Who Couldn't Sleep (1984)
Here Comes a Hero (1985)
Two for Tanner (1985)
Me Tanner, You Jane (1986)
Tanner's Tiger (1987)
The Cancelled Czech (1994)
Tanner on Ice (1998)
Tanner's Virgin (2005)

* Matthew Scudder 시리즈

The Sins of the Fathers (1976)
Time to Murder and Create (1979)
In the Midst of Death (1976)
A Stab in the Dark (1981)
Eight Million Ways to Die (1982)
When the Sacred Ginmill Closes (1986) = 내용상은 맨 앞이 맞은데... 작가페이지에는 이렇게 나옴.
Out on the Cutting Edge (1989)
A Ticket to the Boneyard (1990)
A Dance at the Slaughterhouse (1991)
A Walk Among the Tombstones (1992)
The Devil Knows You''re Dead (1993)
A Long Line of Dead Men (1994)
Even the Wicked (1996)
The Matt Scudder Mysteries (omnibus) (1997)
Everybody Dies (1998)
Hope to Die (2001)
All the Flowers Are Dying (2005)

** 작가 홈페이지와 순서가 달라 수정했습니다. **

* Matthew Scudder short stories

Sometimes They Bite (1982)
Like a Lamb to the Slaughter (1983)
Some Days You Get the Bear

* Chip Harrison 시리즈

Make Out with Murder (1974) = Five Little Rich Girls
A.K.A. Chip Harrison: Including : Make Out With Murder and the Topless Tulip Caper (omnibus) (1983)
Introducing Chip Harrison (1984)
No Score (1996)
Chip Harrison Scores Again (1997)
The Affairs of Chip Harrison (omnibus) (2001)

* Bernie Rhodenbarr 시리즈

Burglars Can't Be Choosers (1977)
The Burglar in the Closet (1978)
The Burglar Who Liked to Quote Kipling (1979)
The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza (1980)
The Burglar Who Painted like Mondrian (1983)
Burglar Painted Like Mondrian (1984)
The Burglar Who Traded Ted Williams (1994)
The Burglar Who Thought He Was Bogart (1995)
The Burglar in the Library (1997)
The Burglar in the Rye (1999)
The Burglar Who Dropped in on Elvis (2000)
The Burglar on the Prowl (2004)

* Keller 시리즈

Hit Man (1998)
Hit List (2000)
Keller's Choice (2000)
Hit Parade (2006)

* Novels

 The Specialists (1960)
 Babe in the Woods (1960)
 Kept (1960) (writing as Sheldon Lord)
 Markham: The Case of the Pornographic Photos (1961)
 Mona (1961)
 Death Pulls a Doublecross (1961)
 The Girl with the Long Green Heart (1965)
 After the First Death (1969)
 Such Men Are Dangerous (1969) (writing as Paul Kavanagh)
 Ronald Rabbit Is a Dirty Old Man (1971)
 The Triumph of Evil (1971) (writing as Paul Kavanagh)
 Not Comin' Home to You (1974) (writing as Paul Kavanagh)
 The Topless Tulip Caper (1975)
 Ariel (1979)
 Deadly Honeymoon (1981)
 Telling Lies for Fun and Profit (1981)
 Code of Arms (1982)
 Time to Murder (1983)
 Write for Your Life (1986)
 The Triumph of Evil (1986)
 Sweet Slow Death (1986)
 Coward's Kiss (1987)
 You Could Call it Murder (1987)
 Into the Night (1987) (with Cornell Woolrich)
 Random Walk (1988)
 The Perfect Murder: Five Great Mystery Writers Create the Perfect Crime (1991) (with Sarah Caudwell, Tony Hillerman and Jack Hitt)
 Batman's Helpers (1999)
 The Scoreless Thai (2000)
 The Lost Cases of Ed London (2001)
 Small Town: A Novel of New York (2002)
 Cinderella Sims (2002)
 Such Men Are Dangerous (2003)
 Grifter's Game (2004)

* Collections

 Sometimes They Bite (1983)
--Sometimes They Bite, 1983. (Alfred Hitchcock, 1983.)
--The Ehrengraf Defense, 1978. (as The Ehrengraf Method, in Ellery Queen, February, 1978.)
--Strangers on the Handball Court, 1983. (Alfred Hitchcock, 1983.)
--Like a Dog in the Street, 1977. (Alfred Hitchcock, April, 1977.)
--A Bad Night for Burglars, 1977. (as Gentlemen's Agreement, in Ellery Queen, April, 1977.)
--Nothing Short of Highway Robbery, 1977. (Alfred Hitchcock, 1977.)
--One Thousand Dollars a Word, 1978. (Alfred Hitchcock, March, 1978.)
--The Gentle Way, 1983. (original)
--The Ehrengraf Obligation, 1979. (Ellery Queen, March, 1979.)
--When This Man Dies, 1964. (Alfred Hitchcock, April, 1964.)
--Collecting Ackermans, 1983. (Alfred Hitchcock, 1983.)
--The Dettweiler Solution, 1976. (Alfred Hitchcock, September, 1976.)
--Funny You Should Ask, 1983. (as A Pair of Recycled Jeans, in Alfred Hitchcock, 1983.)
--Like a Thief in the Night, 1983. (Cosmopolitan, May, 1983.)
--Going Through the Motions, 1981. (Ellery Queen, August 12, 1981.)
--This Crazy Business of Ours, 1983. (Alfred Hitchcock, 1983.)
--And Miles to Go Before I Sleep, 1978. (as Life After Life, in Alfred Hitchcock, October, 1978.)
--Out the Window, 1977. (Alfred Hitchcock, September, 1977; reprinted in AH, October, 1990.) 

 Like a Lamb to the Slaughter: Stories (1984) 
--The Boy Who Disappeared Clouds, 1984. (F & SF, December, 1984.)
--If This Be Madness, 1984. (Alfred Hitchcock, 1984.)
--The Dangerous Business, 1977. (as The Dangerous Game, in Ellery Queen, June, 1977.)
--A Little Off the Top, 1984. (Gallery, 1984.)
--The Ehrengraf Experience, 1978. (Ellery Queen, August, 1978.)
--Weekend Guests, 1984. (Alfred Hitchcock, 1984.)
--You Could Call It Blackmail, 1984. (For Women Only, 1984.)
--Change of Life, 1984. (Alfred Hitchcock, 1984.)
--Death of the Mallory Queen, 1984. (original)
--That Kind of Day, 1984. (Alfred Hitchcock, 1984.)
--Leo Youngdahl, R.I.P., 1984. (original)
--The Books Always Balance, 1984. (Alfred Hitchcock, 1984.)
--Hot Eyes, Cold Eyes, 1984. (Gallery, 1984.)
--With a Smile for the Ending, 1966. (as Bits and Pieces, in Alfred Hitchcock, January, 1966.)
--The Most Unusual Snatch, 1967. (Alfred Hitchcock, April, 1967.)
--The Ehrengraf Appointment, 1984. (Mike Shayne's Mystery Magazine, 1984.)
--Click! 1984. (Alfred Hitchcock, 1984.)
--Passport in Order, 1965. (Alfred Hitchcock, February, 1966.)
--Like a Lamb to Slaughter, 1977. (as A Candle for the Bag Lady, in Alfred Hitchcock, November, 1977.)

 Some Days You Get the Bear: Stories (1992) 
--By the Dawn's Early Light, 1984. (Playboy, August, 1984.)
--Cleveland in My Dreams, 1988. (Ellery Queen, February, 1989.)
--Some Things a Man Must Do, 1993. (Alfred Hitchcock, December, 1966.)
--Answers to Soldier, 1990. (Playboy, June, 1990.)
--Good for the Soul, 1963. (Alfred Hitchcock, August, 1963.)
--The Ehrengraf Alternative, 1982. (Ellery Queen, #470, September, 1982.)
--Someday I'll Plant More Walnut Trees, 1993. (original)
--The Burglar Who Dropped in on Elvis, 1990. (Playboy, April, 1990.)
--As Good as a Rest, 1986. (Ellery Queen, August, 1986.)
--Death Wish, 1967. (Alfred Hitchcock, March, 1967.)
--The Merciful Angel of Death, 1993. (New Mystery, 1993.)
--The Tulsa Experience, 1993. (original)
--Some Days You Get the Bear, 1993. (novelette) (Penthouse, 1993.)
--Passport in Order, 1966. (Alfred Hitchcock, February, 1966.)
--Something to Remember You By, 1991. (New Mystery, July-August, 1991.)
--Hilliard's Ceremony, 1992. (The Armchair Detective, Summer, 1992.)
--The Ehrengraf Nostrum, 1984. (Ellery Queen, May, 1984.)
--Like a Bug on a Windshield, 1985. (Ellery Queen, October, 1985.)
--A Blow for Freedom, 1991. (Playboy, October, 1991.)
--How Would You Like It? 1993. (Monsters in Our Midst, 1993.)
--Batman's Helpers, 1990. (Justice for Hire, 1990.) 배트맨의 협력자들

 By the Dawn's Early Light: and Other Stories (1994) 
 One Night Stands: Early Stories (1999)
 The Collected Mystery Stories (1999)
 Death Wish and Other Stories (2000)
 Enough Rope: Collected Stories (2002)

* Anthologies edited

Murder on the Run (1998)
Death Cruise: Crime Stories on the Open Seas (1999)
Master's Choice (1999)
Great Mystery Series: 11 of the Best Mystery Short Stories from Alfred Hitchcock's And Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazines (2000) (with Mary Higgins Clark and Ralph McInerny)
Opening Shots (2000)
The Best American Mystery Stories 2001 (2001) (with Otto Penzler)
Speaking of Lust (2001)
Speaking of Greed (2001)
Opening Shots Volume 2: More Great Mystery and Crime Writers Share their First Published Stories (2001)
Speaking of Wrath (2002)
Blood on Their Hands (2003)

* Non fiction

Writing the Novel: From Plot to Print (1979)
Spider, Spin Me a Web: A Handbook for Fiction Writers (1988)
After Hours: Conversations with Lawrence Block (2001)
Gangsters, Swindlers, Killers, and Thieves: The Lives and Crimes of Fifty American Villains (2004)

* Anthologies containing stories by Lawrence Block

The Master's Choice Book 1 (1979)
Monsters in Our Midst (1993)
The King Is Dead: Tales of Elvis Post-Mortem (1994)
Night Screams (1995)
The Best of the Best (1997)
Crimes of Passion (1997)

* Short stories

"You Can't Lose" (February 1958, Manhunt; Block's first published story)
"A Fire at Night" (June1958, Manhunt; also 1999, Pure Pulp))
"Hate Goes Courting" (June 1958, Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine)
"The Way to Power" (June 1958, Trapped Detective Story Magazine)
"The Dope" (July 1958, Guilty Detective Story Magazine)
"Man with a Passion" (July 1958, Sure-Fire Detective Stories)
"Murder Is My Business" September 1958, Off Beat Detective Stories)
"Lie Back and Enjoy It" (October 1958, Trapped Detective Story Magazine)
"The Bad Night" (November 1958, Guilty Detective Story Magazine)
"One Night of Death" (November 1958, Guilty Detective Story Magazine)
"Ride a White Horse" (December 1958, Manhunt)
"Make a Prison" (January 1959, Science Fiction Stories)
"Bargain in Blood" (February 1959, Off Beat )
"The Burning Fury" (February 1959, Off Beat)
"Look Death in the Eye" (April 1959, Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine)
Look Death in the Eye (ss) Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine Apr 1959
"Professional Killer" (April 1959, Trapped Detective Story Magazine)
"Sweet Little Racket" (April 1959, Trapped Detective Story Magazine)
"Bride of Violence" (November 1959, Two-Fisted Detective Stories)
"The Badger Game" (February 1960, Trapped Detective Story Magazine)
"I Don't Fool Around" (February 1961, Trapped Detective Story Magazine)
"Package Deal" (1961, Ed McBains Mystery Book #3; also1997, American Pulp)
"A Shroud for the Damned" (April 1962, Keyhole Mystery Magazine)
"Frozen Stiff" (June 1962, Manhunt)
"Just Window Shopping" (December 1962, Man's Magazine)
"'The Naked and the Deadly" (1962, Man's Magazine; Ed London)
"Twin Call Girls"(1962, Man's Magazine; Ed London)
"If This Be Madness" (January 1963, AHMM)
"The Books Always Balance" (July 1963, AHMM)
"Good for the Soul" (August 1963, AHMM)
"When This Man Dies" (April 1964, AHMM)
"Stag Party Girl" (February 1965, Guy; 2001, Pulp Masters; Ed London)
"Bits and Pieces" (January 1966, AHMM; AKA "With a Smile for the Ending")
"Passport in Order" (February 1966, AHMM)
"Pseudo Identity" (November 1966, AHMM)
"Some Things a Man Must Do" (December 1966, AHMM)
"Death Wish" (April 1967, AHMM)
"The Most Unusual Snatch" (April 1967, AHMM)
"That Kind of Day" (June 1974, AHMM)
"The Gentle Way" (July 1974, AHMM)
"Sometimes They Bite" (June 1976, AHMM)
"Funny You Should Ask" (August 1976, AHMM)
"A Pair of Recycled Jeans" (Augustt 1976, AHMM; AKA "Funny You Should Ask")
"The Dettweiler Solution" (September 1976, AHMM)
"Strangers on a Handball Court" (January 1977, AHMM)
"Nothing Short of Highway Robbery" (March 1977, AHMM)
"A Bad Night for Burglars" (April 1977, EQMM; AKA "Gentlemen's Agreement")
"Like a Dog in the Street (April 1977, AHMM)
"This Crazy Business of Ours" (May 1977, AHMM)
"The Dangerous Business" (June 1977, EQMM; AKA "The Dangerous Game")
"Collecting Ackermans (July 1977, AHMM)
"Out the Window" (September 1977, AHMM; Matt Scudder)
"A Candle for the Bag Lady" (November 1977, AHMM; AKA "Like a Lamb to the Slaughter"; Matt Scudder)
"Click!" (December 1977, AHMM)
"Change of Life" (January 1978, AHMM)
"The Ehrengraf Defense" (February 1978, EQMM; AKA The Ehrengraf Method"; Martin Ehrengraf)
"One Thousand Dollars a Word" (March 1978, AHMM)
"The Ehrengraf Presumption" (May 1978, EQMM; Martin Ehrengraf)
"The Ehrengraf Experience" (August 1978, EQMM; Martin Ehrengraf)
"Weekend Guests" (August 1978, AHMM)
"And Miles to Go Before I Sleep" (October 1978, AHMM; AKA "Life After Life")
"The Ehrengraf Appointment" (December 1978, Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine; Martin Ehrengraf)
"The Ehrengraf Riposte" (December 1978, EQMM; Martin Ehrengraf)
"Hot Eyes, Cold Eyes" (1978, Gallery)
"The Ehrengraf Obligation" (March 1979, EQMM; Martin Ehrengraf)
"Going Through the Motions" (August 12, 1981, EQMM)
"The Ehrengraf Alternative" (September 1982, EQMM; Martin Ehrengraf)
"Like a Thief in the Night" (May 1983, Cosmopolitan; Bernie Rhodenbarr)
"The Ehrengraf Nostrum" (May 1984, EQMM; Martin Ehrengraf)
"By the Dawn's Early Light (August 1984, Playboy; Matt Scudder)  새벽의 빛 속에
"The Boy Who Disappeared Clouds" (December 1984, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction)
"Death of the Mallory Queen" (1984, Like a Lamb to the Slaughter; Chip Harrison)
"Leo Youngdahl, R.I.P." (1984, Like a Lamb to the Slaughter)
"You Could Call It Blackmail" (For Women Only; also 1984, Like a Lamb To The Slaughter)
"Like a Bug on a Windshield" (October 1985, EQMM)
"As Good as a Rest" (August 1986, EQMM)
"Cleveland in My Dreams" (February 1989, EQMM)
"The Burglar Who Dropped in on Elvis" (April 1990, Playboy; Bernie Rhodenbarr)
"Answers to Soldier" (June 1990, Playboy; Keller)
"Batman's Helpers" (1990, Justice for Hire; Matt Scudder)
"Something to Remember You By" (July/August 1991, New Mystery [magazine])
"A Blow for Freedom" (October 1991, Playboy)
"Hilliard's Ceremony" (Summer 1992, The Armchair Detective)
"The Merciful Angel of Death" (1993, New Mystery [anthology]; Matt Scudder)
"Keller's Therapy" (May 1993, Playboy; Keller)  켈러의 요법 
"How Would You Like It?" (1993, Monsters in Our Midst)
"Some Days You Get the Bear (1993, Penthouse)
"Someday I'll Plant More Walnut Trees" (1993, Some Days You Get the Bear)
"The Tulsa Experience" (1993, Some Days You Get the Bear)
"Dogs Walked, Plants Watered" (May 1994, Playboy; Keller)
"Keller on Horseback" (1994, Murder Is My Business; Keller)
"Keller's Karma" (February 1995, Playboy; Keller)  
"Keller in Shining Armor" (November 1995, Playboy; Keller)
"The Ehrengraf Affirmation" (March 1997, EQMM; Martin Ehrengraf)
"The Burglar Who Smelled Smoke" (Summer/Fall 1997, MHCMM; with Lynne Wood Block; Bernie Rhodenbarr)
"How Far It Could Go" (1997, The Plot Thickens)
"Keller on the Spot" (November 1997, Playboy; Keller)
"Headaches and Bad Dreams" December 1997, EQMM)
"As Dark As Christmas Gets" (1997, Mysterious Press Christmas Card; also December 1998, EQMM; Chip Harrison)
"How Far It Could Go?" (1997, The Plot Thickens)
"Looking for David" (1997, Whydunit; also February 1998, EQMM; Matt Scudder)
"I Suppose You're Wondering..." (1998, Murder on the Run, The Adams Round Table)
"Keller's Choice (1998, Murder on the Run, The Adams Round Table; Keller)
"Keller's Last Refuge (March 1998, Playboy; Keller)
"Like a Bone in the Throat" (1998, Murder for Revenge)
"Keller in Retirement" (1998; Keller)
"Three in the Side Pocket" (1998, Hot Blood X)
"In for a Penny" (December 1999, EQMM)
"Keller's Art" (Spring 2000, Modern Painters)
"Murder at the Roundtable" (Summer 2000, MHCMM)
"Let's Get Lost" (September/October 2000, EQMM; Matt Scudder)
"Sweet Little Hands" (2001, Flesh & Blood)
"Keller's Designated Hitter" (2001, Murderer's Row; Keller)
"Keller's Horoscope" (2001, Death by Horoscope)  켈러의 운세
"Speaking of Lust" (2001, Speaking of Lust)
"Speaking of Greed" (2001, Speaking of Greed)
"The Night and the Music" (2002, Enough Rope; Matt Scudder)
"Keller and the Rabbits" (April 14, 2003, Audiobooks Today)
"Terrible Tommy Terhune" (2003, Murder Is My Racquet)
"Keller's Adjustment" (2005, Transgressions; Keller)
"You Don't Even Feel It (ss)
"A Little Off The Top" (Gallery; also 1984, Like a Lamb To The Slaughter)

작가 웹사이트 : lawrenceblock.com


* 로렌스 블록의 작품이 수록된 단편집.

한 단어에 천 달러 - 세계 미스터리 걸작선 I

균형을 잡아라 - 세계 미스터리 걸작선 II

억세게 재수 없는 강도 - 세계 미스터리 특급

핸드볼 코트에서 만난 이방인 - 세계 미스터리 특급

댓글(10) 먼댓글(0) 좋아요(3)
북마크하기찜하기 thankstoThanksTo
비연 2005-07-29 14:08   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
헉! 엄청 많네요...

panda78 2005-07-29 14:11   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
우... 우와------ 언젠가 다 볼 수 있는 날이 오긴 올까요? @ㅂ@;

하이드 2005-07-29 14:20   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아, 많기도 하여라;;;

물만두 2005-07-29 14:28   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
이 많은 작품 중에 장편 달랑 둘에 단편 몇편이라니 속상합니다 ㅠ.ㅠ

메이즈리크 2005-07-29 14:45   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
제가 아는 매튜 스커더 장편 시리즈의 출간 순서는 좀 다름니다. 이것은 로렌스 블록 홈페이지에서 가져 온 것이기도 하고, 제가 갖고 있는 백과사전에서 참조한 것이기도 하지만....

THE SINS OF THE FATHERS. First in the series. A Dell paperback original (1976)
TIME TO MURDER AND CREATE. The second book, although it was actually published after In the Midst of Death. A Dell paperback original (1977)
IN THE MIDST OF DEATH. A Dell paperback original (1976)
A STAB IN THE DARK. First published in hardcover by Arbor House in 1981
WHEN THE SACRED GINMILL CLOSES. Arbor House, 1986. This is a prequel, with Scudder in the mid-eighties recollecting events that took place a decade earlier

나머지는 순서가 같습니다. when the sacred ginmill...이 작품 내용사 가장 앞에 있는 것은 맞긴 맞지요. 부디 이 사실을 널리 알려 주시기 바랍니다~~
OUT ON THE CUTTING EDGE. William Morrow, 1989.

물만두 2005-07-29 14:58   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
흠... 간혹 작가도 잊을때가 있을 수 있으니 일단 작가의 페이지에 맞췄습니다. 그런데 연도까지 나온 걸 보면 근거가 아주 없지는 않지 않나 싶네요. 감사합니다^^

물만두 2005-07-29 15:13   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
다른 곳도 알아보니 님이 맞으신 거 같아요. 감사합니다. 덕분에 단편도 더 알게 되었네요^^

메이즈리크 2005-07-29 16:34   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
when the sacred ginmill closes 블록의 에드거상 수상 단편 새벽의 빛 속에를 장편화 한 것입니다. 단편의 대부분을 옮겨왔지만, 내용이 꽤 다릅니다. 이 작품이 스커더 시리즈 중에서 가장 인기가 있지요~~

물만두 2005-07-29 16:42   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아, 그렇군요. 그래서 연도에 차이가 있었나요? 흠... 번역을 해줘야 읽죠 ㅠ.ㅠ 님 혹시 번역하시는 분이신가요? 아님 번역해서 출판사에 찔러보심이^^;;;

물만두 2005-07-29 16:43   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아니군요. 님 말씀이 맞네요. 단편이 84년작이면 (수상연돈지 발표연돈지는 혼동되지만요) 장편은 그 뒤가 맞네요. 감사합니다^^

* Novels

The Wasp Factory (1984)  말벌 공장

Walking on Glass (1985)

The Bridge (1986)

Espedair Street (1987)

Canal Dreams (1989)

The Crow Road (1992)

Complicity (1993)  공범

Whit (1995)

A Song of Stone (1997)

The Business (1999)

Dead Air (2002)

* Non fiction

Raw Spirit: In Search of the Perfect Dram (2003)

홈페이지 : iainbanks.net

댓글(2) 먼댓글(0) 좋아요(0)
북마크하기찜하기 thankstoThanksTo
야클 2005-07-16 10:52   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아침부터 부지런하십니다~~ ^^
날씨는 좀 그렇지만 멋진 주말되시길!

물만두 2005-07-16 10:57   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
네, 님도 주말 잘 보내세요^^

* Novel

Die 13½ Leben des Käpt'n Blaubär (the 13½ lives of captain Bluebear) (for children)
  푸른곰 선장의 13 1/2의 삶

Ensel und Kretel (a misspelling of "Hansel and Gretel"), 2000

Wilde Reise durch die Nacht (wild voyage through the night), 2001 

Rumo & Die Wunder im Dunkeln (Rumo and the miracles in the dark), 2003

Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher (The city of the dreaming books), 2004 
  꿈꾸는 책들의 도시

* comic

Die Klerikalen, 1985 
Aha!, 1985 
Hey!, 1986 
Schweinewelt (pigs' world), 1987 
Herzlichen Glückwunsch (congratulations), 1985
Von ganzem Herzen (whole-heartedly), 1989
Kleines Arschloch (little asshole), 1990 
Schöne Geschichten (beautiful stories), 1991
Das kleine Arschloch kehrt zurück (the little asshole returns), 1991
Es ist ein Arschloch, Maria (it's an asshole, Mary), 1992
Der alte Sack, ein kleines Arschloch und andere Höhepunkte des Kapitalismus (the old curmudgeon, a little asshole and other pinnacles of capitalism), 1993 
Du bist ein Arschloch, mein Sohn (you're an asshole, son), 1995 
Sex und Gewalt (sex and violence), 1995
Wenn der Pinguin zweimal klopft (the penguin always knocks twice), 1997 
Adolf, 1998 (comic)
Feuchte Träume (wet dreams), 1999 
Adolf, Teil 2 (Adolf, part 2), 1999 
Schwulxx-Comix (gay'xx comix), 2000 (with Ralf König)
Schamlos! (unashamedly!), 2001 (with additional material)

* 기타

Das Tier (the animal), 1987 (story with pictures)
Die Schimauski-Methode (the Schimauski method), 1987 (children's book)
Schöner leben mit dem kleinen Arschloch (better living with the little asshole), 1992 (illustrated satires)
Arschloch in Öl (asshole in oil), 1993 (graphical parodies)
Kleines Arschloch – Der Film (little asshole – the movie), 1997 (movie: script and song lyrics)
Käpt'n Blaubär – Der Film (captain Bluebear – the movie), 1999 (movie: script; for children)
Der Fönig (the Fing), 2002 (story with pictures about a King who outlaws the letter "K")

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* Chapbooks

The Congress (1974)

* Collections

Inquiries (1925) = Inquisiciones

A Universal History of Infamy (1935)  불한당들의 세계사

Universal History of Iniquity (1935)
Six Problems for Don Isidro Parodi (1942)

Six Problems for Don Isidro (1942) (writing as H Bustos Domecq) 이시드로 파로디의 여섯 가지 사건 

Ficciones (1956)  픽션들

A Personal Anthology (1961)
Labyrinths (1964)
Dreamtigers (1964)
Extraordinary Tales (1967) (with Adolfo Bioy-Casares)
Chronicles of Bustos Domecq (1967) (with Adolfo Bioy-Casares)
The Book of Imaginary Beings (1969)
Doctor Brodie's Report (1970)
Selected Poems 1923-1967 (poems) (1972)

The Book of Sand (1975)  셰익스피어의 기억

The Aleph: And Other Stories 1933-1969 (1978)  알렙

Seven Nights (1984)  칠일 밤

Everything and Nothing (1997)
Collected Fictions (1998)

* Non fiction

Other Inquisitions 1937-52 (1964)
Borges on Writing (1973)
Borges: Selected Non-Fictions (1981)
Conversations (1984)
Atlas (1985)

* Anthologies containing stories by Jorge Luis Borges

Stories Strange and Sinister (1965)
Step Outside Your Mind: New Worlds of Fantasy (1969)
New Worlds of Fantasy (1970)
Into the Unknown (1973)
Open at Your Own Risk (1975)
The Black Magic Omnibus Volume 2 (1976)
Black Water (1984)
The Slaying of the Dragon: Modern Tales of the Playful Imagination (1984)
The Book of Fantasy (1988)
The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales (1992)
Strange Dreams (1993)
The Road to Science Fiction 4: From Here to Forever (1997)
The Mammoth Book of Fantasy All-Time Greats (1998) = The Fantasy Hall of Fame
The Year's Best Fantasy And Horror Twelfth Annual Collection (1999)

* Short stories

 The Chamber of Statues (1933)  
 The Dread Redeemer Lazarus Morell (1933)  
 The Insulting Master of Etiquette Kotsuke no Suke (1933)  
 The Mirror of Ink (1933)  
 Monk Eastman, Purveyor of Iniquities (1933)  
 Streetcorner Man (1933)  
 Tom Castro, the Implausible Imposter (1933)  
 The Widow Ching, Lady Pirate (1933)  
 The Wizard Postponed (1933)  
 The Masked Dyer, Hakim of Merv (1934)  
 Tale of the Two Dreamers (1934)  
 A Theologian in Death (1934)  
 The Disinterested Killer Bill Harrigan (1935)  
 The Library of Babel (1941)  
 Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius (1941)  
 The Aleph (1945)  
 A Double for Mohammed (1946)  
 The Generous Enemy (1946)  
 Of Exactitude in Science (1946)  
 Funes the Memorious (1962)  
 The Immortal (1962)  
 The Lottery in Babylon (1962)  
 The Intruder (1966)  
 Death and the Compass (1968)  
 The Meeting (1969)  
 Rosendo's Tale (1969)  
 Doctor Brodie's Report (1970)  
 The Duel (1970)  
 The Elder Lady (1970)  
 The End of the Duel (1970)  
 The Gospel According to Mark (1970)  
 Guayaquil (1970)  
 Juan Murana (1970)  
 The Unworthy Friend (1970)  
 Utopia of a Tired Man (1975)  Nebula (nominee)
 August 25, 1983 (1982)  
 The Rose of Paracelsus (1998)  
 Avelino Arredondo  
 The Book of Sand  
 The Bribe  
 The Circular Ruins  
 The Congress  
 The Disk  
 The Mirror and the Mask  
 The Night of the Gifts  
 Odin (with Delia Ingenieros)  
 The Other  
 The Sect of the Thirty  
 There Are More Things  
 The Zahir

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야클 2005-07-09 21:59   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
대단한 정성이야요~~ ^^ <작가 작품 목록>은 제가 자주 이용하는 물만두님 자료랍니다.

물만두 2005-07-09 22:56   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
잘못 적었을지도 모릅니다. 제목을 알아야지요 ㅠ.ㅠ;;;

로즈마리 2005-07-10 03:15   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
펍니다. ^^;; 아 이렇게 퍼가는 게 넘 염치 없는 것만 같아요..너무 알찬 정보네요..

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