프레데릭 레이턴 - Study , At a Reading Desk
저 독서대가 무진장 탐나는데요! @ㅁ@
Anne Laddon
Bryan Larsen -winter evening
벽난로와 안락의자와 통창이라..... 으... 부러비..
Rosalind Cook -------- legacy of literature
수암님 생각이 납니다. ^^ *
진석이가 더 크고, 손녀도 생기시면...
Rosalind Cook ------- Summer Delight
Federico Zandomeneghi - La lettrice
Francis David Millet ------- Wandering Thought
Georges Croegaert
Lorusso ----- in a world of his own
Maria Jane Jewsbury
Roy Sanders - The Days of Books and Bears