누구나 함께 글을 작성할 수 있는 카테고리입니다. 이 카테고리에 글쓰기

* Van Der Valk 시리즈

Love in Amsterdam (1962) aka Death in Amsterdam
Because of the Cats (1963)
Gun Before Butter (1963) aka Question of Loyalty
Double-Barrel (1964)
Criminal Conversation (1965)
The King of the Rainy Country (1966)
Strike Out Where Not Applicable (1967)
Tsing-Boom! (1969)
The Lovely Ladies (1971) aka Over the High Side
A Long Silence (1972) aka Aupres de ma Blonde
The Widow (1979)
One Damn Thing After Another (1981) aka Arlette
Sand Castles (1989)

* Henri Castang 시리즈

A Dressing of Diamonds (1974)
What are the Bugles Blowing For? (1975) aka The Bugles Blowing
Sabine (1976) aka Lake Isle
The Night Lords (1978)
Castang's City (1980)
Wolfnight (1982)
The Back of the North Wind (1983)
No Part in Your Death (1984)
Cold Iron (1986)
Lady Macbeth (1988)
Not as Far as Velma (1989)
Those in Peril (1990)
Flanders Sky (1992) aka The Pretty How Town
You Know Who (1994)
The Seacoast of Bohemia (1994)
A Dwarf Kingdom (1996)

* Novels

Valparaiso (1964)
The Dresden Green (1966)
This is the Castle (1968)
Gadget (1977)
A City Solitary (1984)
One More River (1998)
Some Day Tomorrow (1999)
The Janeites (2002)

* Non fiction

The Kitchen Book (1970)
The Village Book (2001)
The Kitchen and the Cook (2002)

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* Letitia (Tish) Carberry 시리즈

The Amazing Adventures of Letitia Carberry (1911)
Tish (1916)
More Tish (1921)
The Book of Tish (1926)
Tish Plays the Game (1926)
Tish Marches On (1937)

* Hilda Adams 시리즈

Miss Pinkerton (1932)
Haunted Lady (1942)
Episode of the Wandering Knife (1950)

* Novels

The Man in Lower Ten (1906)
The Circular Staircase (1908) 나선 계단의 비밀
The Window at the White Cat (1910)
Where There's a Will (1912)
The Cave on Thundercloud (1912)
Mind Over Motor (1912)
The Case of Jennie Brice (1913)
The After House (1914)
Dangerous Days (1919)
Salvage (1919)
The Breaking Point (1922)
The Mystery Lamp (1925)
The Red Lamp (1925)
Two Flights Up (1928)
The Door (1930)
The Bat (1932) (with Avery Hopwood)
The Double Alibi (1932)
The Album (1933)
The State Vs Elinor Norton (1933)
The Wall (1938)
The Great Mistake (1940)
The Yellow Room (1945)
The Swimming Pool (1952)
The Wandering Knife (1952)
The Frightened Wife (1953)

* Collections

Love Stories (1919)
Affinities (1920)
Sight Unseen, and The Confession (omnibus) (1921)
Temperamental People (1924)
Nomad's Land (1926)
The Romantics (1929)
Mary Roberts Rinehart 's Crime Book (1933)
Married People (1937)
Alibi for Isabel (1944)
The Confession / Sight Unseen (1959)

* Non fiction

My Story (1931)

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* Novels

Casing the Promised Land (1980)

The Alienist (1994) 정신과의사

The Devil Soldier: The Story of Frederick Townsend Ward (1995)

 The Angel of Darkness (1997)

 Killing Time (2000)

 The Italian Secretary: A Further Adventure of Sherlock Holmes (2005)

* Non fiction

America Invulnerable: The Quest for Absolute Security from 1812 to Star Wars (1988)

The Lessons of Terror: A History of Warfare Against Civilians (2002)

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숨은아이 2004-11-15 20:47   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
Caleb Carr를 저는 "케이블 카"로 읽었지 뭡니까. 하핫.

물만두 2004-11-16 10:50   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
님... 우리 쌍둥이하자구요. 어찌 이리 똑같을까요^^

* Kindle County 시리즈

Presumed Innocent (1987)
The Burden of Proof (1990)
Pleading Guilty (1993)
The Laws Of Our Fathers (1996)
Personal Injuries (1999)
Reversible Errors (2002)

* Novels

One L (1977)

* Anthologies edited

Guilty as Charged: The Penguin Book of New American Crime Writing (1996)

* Non fiction




 Ultimate Punishment: A Lawyer's Reflections on Dealing with the Death Penalty (2003)

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북마크하기찜하기 thankstoThanksTo
sayonara 2004-11-09 13:48   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
이 작가 무척 좋아합니다. 특히 'One L'은 논픽션으로 유명하죠.

그런데 당췌 번역본이 안보이니..

물만두 2004-11-09 14:22   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
저도 번역본 구경도 못했어요ㅠ.ㅠ

bono 2005-04-13 19:34   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
얼마 전에 출간 되었죠...

1991 Die Frau, die Männer mochte

 1991 Wer zweimal lebt

 1991 Marens Lover =  Mit den Augen eines Kindes

 1991 Das Geheimnis der Puppe

1992 Am Ende eines Sommers

1992 Geschwisterbande

 1992 Der Engel mit den schwarzen Flügeln

 1993 Merkels Tochter

1993 Brunos große Liebe

 1993 Der stille Herr Genardy

1993 Die Augen Rasputins

1995 Betty

 1995 Der gläserne Himmel

1994 Verbrannte Träume

 1999 Die Sünderin

 1999 Der Puppengräber

 2000 Die Mutter

 2000 Der Ausbruch

 2000 Lukkas Erbe

 2001 Meineid 

 2001 Die Chefin = Betty

 2001 Roberts Schwester = Geschwisterbande" (1992)

2002 Das Medium

 2003 Belas Sünden

 2003 Die Lüge

 2004 Die Freundin

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