* Van Der Valk 시리즈

Love in Amsterdam (1962) aka Death in Amsterdam
Because of the Cats (1963)
Gun Before Butter (1963) aka Question of Loyalty
Double-Barrel (1964)
Criminal Conversation (1965)
The King of the Rainy Country (1966)
Strike Out Where Not Applicable (1967)
Tsing-Boom! (1969)
The Lovely Ladies (1971) aka Over the High Side
A Long Silence (1972) aka Aupres de ma Blonde
The Widow (1979)
One Damn Thing After Another (1981) aka Arlette
Sand Castles (1989)

* Henri Castang 시리즈

A Dressing of Diamonds (1974)
What are the Bugles Blowing For? (1975) aka The Bugles Blowing
Sabine (1976) aka Lake Isle
The Night Lords (1978)
Castang's City (1980)
Wolfnight (1982)
The Back of the North Wind (1983)
No Part in Your Death (1984)
Cold Iron (1986)
Lady Macbeth (1988)
Not as Far as Velma (1989)
Those in Peril (1990)
Flanders Sky (1992) aka The Pretty How Town
You Know Who (1994)
The Seacoast of Bohemia (1994)
A Dwarf Kingdom (1996)

* Novels

Valparaiso (1964)
The Dresden Green (1966)
This is the Castle (1968)
Gadget (1977)
A City Solitary (1984)
One More River (1998)
Some Day Tomorrow (1999)
The Janeites (2002)

* Non fiction

The Kitchen Book (1970)
The Village Book (2001)
The Kitchen and the Cook (2002)

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