* Novels

Player Piano (1952) = Utopia 14  자동 피아노
The Sirens of Titan (1957)  타이탄의 미녀
Cat's Cradle (1960) 
Canary in a Cat House (1961)
Mother Night (1961)
God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater (1965)
Slaughterhouse-Five (1969)  제5도살장 
Breakfast of Champions (1973)  챔피온들의 아침식사  
Venus on the Half-Shell (1975) (writing as Kilgore Trout)
Slapstick: or Lonesome No More! (1976)
Deadeye Dick (1982)
Jailbird (1983)
Galapagos (1985)  갈라파고스  
Bluebeard (1987)
Hocus Pocus (1990)
Between Time and Timbuktu: Or Prometheus-5 a Space Fantasy (1990)
Timequake (1997)  타임퀘이크 

* Collections

Welcome to the Monkey House (1968)
Bagombo Snuff Box: Uncollected Short Fiction (1976)
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Collection (1995)

* Non fiction

Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons (1974)
Opinions (1975)
Palm Sunday: An Autobiographical Collage (1981)
Fates Worse than Death: An Autobiographical Collage (1983)
Like Shaking Hands with God: A Conversation about Writing (1999)
God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian (1999)
A Man Without a Country (2005)

* Anthologies containing stories by Kurt Vonnegut Jr

Connoisseur's S.F. (1964)
An ABC of Science Fiction (1966)
Best SF 7 (1970)
Again Dangerous Visions Book 1 (1972)
The Golden Age of Science Fiction (1981)
Great Science Fiction of the 20th Century (1987)
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1987)
Cybersex (1996)
The Wizards of Odd: Comic Tales of Fantasy (1996)
The Flying Sorcerers (1997)
The Playboy Book of Science Fiction (1998)

* Short stories

 Unready to Wear (1953)  
 Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow (1954)  
 Harrison Bergeron (1961)  
 2 B R 0 2 B (1962)  
 Welcome to the Monkey House (1968)  원숭이 관에 오신 것을 환영합니다  
 The Big Space Fuck (1972)  
 All the King's Horses  
 Deer in the Works  
 The Euphio Question  
 The Foster Portfolio  
 Go Back to Your Precious Wife and Son  
 The Hyannis Port Story  
 The Kid Nobody Could Handle  
 The Lie  
 Long Walk to Forever  
 The Manned Missiles  
 Miss Temptation  
 More Stately Mansions  
 New Dictionary  
 Next Door  
 Report on the Barnhouse Effect  
 Tom Edison's Shaggy Dog  
 Where I Live  
 Who Am I This Time?

작사 웹사이트 : http://www.vonnegut.com/

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북마크하기찜하기 thankstoThanksTo
한솔로 2006-02-16 10:57   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
<제일버드>와 (<내 영혼의 밤>이란 제목이었던가요?)도 나왔었죠. 다 가지고 있었는데 누가 뽀려갔는지, 통 안 보이네요-_-;;;

물만두 2006-02-16 10:59   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
네, 나왔는데 표지가 없어서 안 올렸어요.

mong 2006-02-16 17:35   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
만두님, 커트 보네커트 책 두세권만 골라주세요 ^^
저는 전작주의는 아니라서요 ~

물만두 2006-02-16 17:42   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
저 달랑 한권 읽었는데요?

물만두 2006-02-16 17:44   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
고양이 요람 이거 한권 읽었구요. 제5의 도살장이랑 타이탄의 미녀는 아직 못읽었어요 ㅠ.ㅠ

mong 2006-02-16 17:46   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
흐흐 넵 ^^