* Novels

 Our Government (Knopf, 1930) 
 The Postman Always Rings Twice (1934)  우편배달부는 벨을 두번 울린다
 Double Indemnity (1936)  이중보상
 Serenade (1937)
 The Butterfly (1938)
 The Embezzler (1940)
 Love's Lovely Counterfeit (1945)
 Mildred Pierce (1945)
 Past All Dishonor (1946)
 The Moth (1948)
 Sinful Woman (1948)
 Everybody Does It (1949)
 Jealous Woman (1950)
 Galatea (1953)
 The Root of His Evil (1954)
 Mignon (1962)
 The Magician's Wife (1965)
 Rainbow's End (1975)
 The Institute (1976)
 Cloud Nine (1984)
 The Enchanted Isle (1985)

* Collections

 Three Of A Kind (omnibus) (1943)
 Career in C Major: And Other Fiction (1947)
 The Baby in the Icebox (1981)
 The Five Great Novels of James M Cain (1981)
 Jealous Woman / Sinful Woman (omnibus) (1992)

* Non fiction

Sixty Years of Journalism (1986)

* Short Fiction

"Pastorale" (American Mercury, March 1928)
"The Taking of Montfaucon" (American Mercury, June 1929)
"Auld Lang Syne" (The New Yorker, 20 December 1930)
"Gridiron Soliloquies" (The New Yorker, 21 December 1931)
"The Baby in the Icebox" (American Mercury, January 1933)
"Come-back" (Redbook, June 1934)
"Double Indemnity" (serialized in Liberty, 1936)
"Dead Man" (American Mercury, March 1936)
"Hip, Hip, the Hippo" (Redbook, March 1936)
"The Birthday Party" (Ladies' Home Journal, May 1936)
"Brush Fire" (Liberty, 5 December 1936)
"Coal Black" (Liberty, 3 April 1937)
"Everything But the Truth" (Liberty, 17 July 1937)
"Two Can Sing" a.k.a. "Career in C Major" (American, April 1938)
"The Girl in the Storm" (Liberty, 6 January 1940)
"Money and the Woman" (serialized in Liberty, 1940)
"Pay-Off Girl" (Esquire, August 1952)
"Cigarette Girl" (Manhunt, May 1953)  담배 파는 여자
"Two O'Clock Blonde" (Manhunt, August 1953)
"Death on the Beach" (Jack London's Adventure Magazine, October 1958)
"The Visitor" (Esquire, September 1961)

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mong 2005-10-28 15:25   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
만두님 우편배달부는...이거 어때요?

물만두 2005-10-28 15:32   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
재미있어요. 그런데 동서꺼는 번역은 접고 보셔야 합니다. 꼭 봐야 하는 추리소설이죠^^

페일레스 2005-10-28 19:17   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
근데 위에 있는 책 둘 다 표지가 <우편배달부는 벨을 두 번 울린다>네요?

물만두 2005-10-28 19:22   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
네, 그 책에 두 작품이 모두 있습니다. 1권으로 두 작품을 볼 수 있습니다. 장편으로는 좀 부족한 작품들이거든요^^