* Hainish Series

Rocannon's World (1966) - Based on "The Dowry of Angyar". 로캐넌의 세계

Planet of Exile (1966) 유배 행성

City of Illusion (1967) 환영의 도시

The Left Hand of Darkness (1969) 어둠의 왼손

The Dispossessed (1974) 빼앗긴 자들

Worlds of Exile and Illusion (1996)

* Earthsea Cycle Series

1 A Wizard of Earthsea (1968)  어스시의 마법사 - 제1권 어스시의 마법사

2 The Tombs of Atuan (1971)  어스시의 마법사 - 제2권 아투안의 무덤

3 The Farthest Shore (1972)  어스시의 마법사 - 제3권 머나먼 바닷가

4 Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea (1990)   어스시의 마법사 - 제4권 테하누

Earthsea (1977)

Tales from Earthsea (2001)

* Orsinia Series

1 Orsinian Tales (1976)

2 Malafrena (1979)

* Novels

The Lathe of Heaven(1971)

Magazine/Anthology Appearances: The Lathe of Heaven (Part 1 of 2) (1971)

The Lathe of Heaven (Part 2 of 2) (1971)

The Word for World Is Forest(1972)

The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia(1974)

Very Far Away From Anywhere Else(1976)

The Eye of the Heron(1978)

Magazine/Anthology Appearances: The Eye of the Heron (Complete Novel) (1979)

Ursula K. Le Guin(1979)

The Beginning Place(1980)

Rocannons World(1982)

Left Hand of Darkness(1982)

Magazine/Anthology Appearances: The Left Hand of Darkness (Excerpt) (1979)

Always Coming Home(1985)


Tombs of Atuan(1991)

Farthest Shore(1991)

Fish Soup (1992)

Jane on Her Own(1999)

The Telling(2000)

The Other Wind(2001)

* Collections

The Wind's Twelve Quarters(1975) 바람의 열두 방향

Wild Angels(1975) - Poetry collection.

Three Hainish Novels(1978)

Hard Words and Other Poems(1981)

The Compass Rose(1982)

Buffalo Gals and Other Stories(1987)

Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences(1987)

Buffalo Gals(1990)


A Fisherman of the Inland Sea(1993)

Four Ways to Forgiveness(1995)

Unlocking the Air and Other Stories(1996)

Sixty Odd: New Poems(1999)

Tales From Earthsea (2001)

The Birthday of the World and Other Stories(2002)

Science Fiction Stories(2003)

* Omnibus

Tales of the Catwings(1999)

* Anthology Series

Nebula Awards

11 Nebula Award Stories 11(1976)

* Anthologies


withVirginia Kidd Edges(1980)

withVirginia Kidd The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American SF, 1960-1990(1993) withBrian Attebery

* Short Fiction

An die Musik(1961)

April in Paris(1962)

The Masters(1963)

The Darkness Box(1963)

Darkness Box(1963)

The Word of Unbinding(1964)

Semley's Necklace (1964)


The Rule of Names(1964)

The Dowry of the Angyar(1964)

Winter's King(1969)

Nine Lives(1969)

A Trip to the Head(1970)

Things (1970)

The Good Trip(1970)

Vaster Than Empires and More Slow(1971)

The Word for World is Forest(1972)

The Ursula Major Construct: or, A Far Greater Horror Loomed(1973)

The Stars Below(1973) 땅속의 별들

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas(1973)

Imaginary Countries(1973)

The Field of Vision(1973)

Direction of the Road(1973)

Schr?inger's Cat(1974)


The Eye Altering(1974)

The Day Before the Revolution(1974)

"The Author of the Acacia Seeds" and Other Extracts from the Journal of the Association of Therolinguistics(1974)

The New Atlantis(1975)


A Week in the Country(1976)

The Water Is Wide(1976)

The Road East(1976)

No Use to Talk to Me(1976)

The Lady of Moge(1976)

Ile Forest(1976)

The House(1976)

The Fountains(1976)

The Diary of the Rose(1976)

Conversations at Night(1976)

Brothers and Sisters(1976)

The Barrow(1976)

Gwilan's Harp(1977)


The First Report of the Shipwrecked Foreigner to the Kadanh of Derb(1978)

The Eye Altering (II)(1978)

Two Delays on the Northern Line(1979)

Some Approaches to the Problem of the Shortage of Time(1979)

The Pathways of Desire(1979)

Malheur County(1979)

The White Donkey(1980)

Small Change(1981)

The Wife's Story(1982)


The Phoenix(1982)

May's Lion(1983)

The Ascent of the North Face(1983)

The Trouble with the Cotton People(1984)

She Unnames Them(1985)

Horse Camp(1986)

The Ship Ahoy(1987)

Daddy's Big Girl(1987)

Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight(1987)

In and Out(1989)

Hand, Cup, Shell(1989)

Unlocking the Air(1990)


The Shobies' Story(1990)


Bill Weisler(1990)

True Love(1991)



Newton's Sleep(1991)



Foam Women, Rain Women(1991)

The Rock That Changed Things(1992)

The First Contact with the Gorgonids(1992)

The Poacher(1993)

Fragments from the Women's Writing(1993)

Dancing to Ganam(1993)

Along the River(1993)

Unchosen Love(1994)


The Matter of Seggri(1994)

In the Drought(1994)

Forgiveness Day(1994)


Another Story(1994)

A Woman's Liberation(1995)


A Man of the People(1995)

Ether OR(1995)

Coming of Age in Karhide(1995)

Mountain Ways(1996)

The Island of the Immortals(1998)

Dragonfly (1998)

Old Music and the Slave Women (1999)

Darkrose and Diamond(1999)

The Royals of Hegn(2000)

The Flyers of Gy (2000)

Earthsea: Dragonfly(2000)

The Birthday of the World(2000)

Urodziny Swiata(2001)

On the High Marsh (2001)

The Finder (2001)

The Building (2001)

The Bones of the Earth (2001)

The Wild Girls(2002)

Social Dreaming of the Frin(2002)

Paradises Lost (2002)

The Seasons of the Ansarac(2003)

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BRINY 2004-05-07 14:07   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
이렇게 많았나요? 이중에 내가 읽은 건...8권이구만요.

icaru 2004-05-07 14:09   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
위의 것이 죄다 그녀가 쓴 것인가요? 정말 많이 썼네요...에스에프 작가가 노벨상을 받는다면 그녀가 1순위라더니....^^

물만두 2004-05-07 18:38   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
이 거 말고 시도 있는데 그건 제외한 겁니다. 무지 많이 썼두만요... 역시 브린디(라고 읽어야 하남요?)님은 저보다 고수십니다. 전 한 권 읽고 이제 한 권 더 사서 두 권짼데...

BRINY 2004-05-07 20:48   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
고수는요, 그냥 르 귄이 제가 좋아할 책을 많이 써줬더라구요,

물만두 2004-05-08 09:58   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아, 제가 왜 없는 D를 넣었을까요??? 이젠 돋보기가 필요한가... 흑흑... 죄송...

머털 2004-06-01 18:06   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
르귄 할머니군요. 이 작가도 제가 좋아합니다. 어지간한 책은 일본어판, 영어판으로 가지고 있어요.

물만두 2004-06-01 18:24   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
SF 좋아하시는 군요. 전 달랑 두권밖에 없어요...

mong 2006-02-16 18:05   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
어스시 시리즈 땡쓰투를 한방에 ^^