New Scientist (주간 영국판): 2019년 08월 03일 - 영어, 매주 발행
New Scientist / 2019년 8월
평점 :

Reality is virtual

Natural selection has given us sensory systems that are a simplifying user interface for the complexity of the world. Space, as we perceive it around us, is a 3D computer desktop, with tables, chairs, the moon and mountains icons within it.

  In other words, our senses constitute a virtual reality.

  ...we create an apple when we look, and destroy it when we look away. Something exists when we don’t look, but it isn’t an apple, and is probably nothing like an apple... Physical objects, and indeed the space and time they exist in, are evolution’s way of presenting fitness pay-offs in a compact and usable form.

  That leaves the fact that treating our observed, subjective reality as objective reality has allowed us to create scientific theories — frameworks that allow us to make predictions about how the world works, and so are presumably part of an objective reality that exists outside our heads.

  This approach aligns with the quantum-Bayesian interpretation of quantum theory, or QBism, in which the uncertainty inherent in quantum observations is all in the minds of the observers. 

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