* No 1 Ladies Detective agency 시리즈

 The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (1998)

Tears Of The Giraffe (2000)

Morality for Beautiful Girls (2001)

The Kalahari Typing School for Men (2002)

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Series Box Set (omnibus) (2003)

The Full Cupboard of Life (2004)

In the Company of Cheerful Ladies (2004)

The Company of Cheerful Ladies (2004)

* Professor Dr Moritz-Maria von Igelfeld 시리즈

The 2 Pillars of Wisdom (omnibus) (2002)

At the Villa of Reduced Circumstances (2003)

The Finer Points of Sausage Dogs (2003)

Portuguese Irregular Verbs (2003)

* Sunday Philosophers' Club 시리즈

The Sunday Philosophers' Club (2004)

* 기타 작품

The Perfect Hamburger (1984)

Alix and the Tigers (1988)

The Five Lost Aunts of Harriet Bean (1990)

The Tin Dog (1990)Calculator Annie (1991)

The Popcorn Pirates (1991)

The Doughnut Ring (1992)

Paddy and the Ratcatcher (1994)

The Muscle Machine (1995)

The Bubblegum Tree (1996)

Bursting Balloons Mystery (1997)

* Chapbooks

Akimbo and the Elephants (1990)

* Collections

Heavenly Date: And Other Flirtations (1995)

The Girl Who Married a Lion: And Other Tales from Africa (2004)

* Anthologies edited

Children of Wax: African Folk Tales (1991)

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BRINY 2004-11-16 23:33   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
넘버원 여탐정 에이전시 번역을 친구가 했는데, 책이 잘 안팔렸나봐요. 사실 앞으로 나올 게 더 재미있다고 친구는 그러는데, 출판사에서 보류하라고 했다네요. 쩝.

하이드 2004-12-02 12:45   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
지금 3탄 까지 나온거 맞지요?

물만두 2004-12-02 13:44   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
국내 번역본은 2탄, 국외는 3탄까지 나왔군요 .ㅠ.ㅠ