1. On What Grounds (2003)  커피하우스 살인사건

Introducing a delightful new series featuring Carolyn Cosi, manager of the historic Village Blend coffeehouse...
Carolyn arrives at work to discover the assistant manager dead in the back of the store, coffee grounds strewn everywhere. Two detectives investigate. But when they find no sign of forced entry or foul play, they deem it an accident. Still, Carolyn is not convinced. And after the police leave, Carolyn can't help wondering...If this was an act of murder, is she in danger?

2. Through the Grinder (2004)

Business is booming at Clare Cosi's Village Blend, until her female customers start to die. Lieutenant Quinn is convinced that someone has an axe to grind, and, unfortunately, his prime suspect is the new man in Clare's life.
Now Clare will risk her heart--and her life--to follow the killer's trail to the bitter end.

3. Latte Trouble (2005)

When one of her baristas unwittingly serves a poisonous latte to a prominent figure on the fashion scene, Clare Cosi must uncover some jolting secrets to save her shop.

4. Murder Most Frothy (2006)

This summer, Clare Cosi leaves her Manhattan coffee shop behind as she heads for the Hamptons—and perhaps the biggest jolt of her life. Because at her wealthy friend's fabulous Fourth of July bash, more than the coffee gets iced.

5. Decaffeinated Corpse (2007)

When an old friend of her ex-husband develops the world's first botanically decaffeinated coffee bean and smuggles it into the country, Clare Cosi, manager of Village Blend, believes it's a business opportunity she needs to investigate...at least until the first dead body shows up.

6. French Pressed (2008)

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커버 일러스트레이션이 이뻐요~

물만두 2007-08-12 16:36   좋아요 0 | URL
다 예쁘네요^^

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모스경감 시리즈 좀 내주지, 해문은...

물만두 2007-08-12 16:35   좋아요 0 | URL
모스경감은 물건너 간거 같아요.
코지쪽으로만 밀건가봅니다 ㅜ.ㅜ