* Novels
A Kiss Before Dying (1952) 

Rosemary's Baby (1967) 

This Perfect Day (1970, winner 1992 Prometheus Hall of Fame Award)
The Stepford Wives (1972)
스텝포드 와이프 (동명소설 영화)
The Boys from Brazil (1976) 
Sliver (1991) 슬리버
Son of Rosemary (1997)
* Plays
No Time For Sergeants (1956)
Interlock (1958)
Critic's Choice (1960)
General Seeger (1962)
Dr. Cook's Garden (1968)
Veronica's Room (1974)
Deathtrap (play) (1978) - Tony Nomination for Best Play
Break a Leg: A Comedy in Two Acts (1981)
Cantorial (1982)
* Musicals
Drat! The Cat! (1965) - lyricist and bookwriter