1. 기다리는 사람들 
Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of the HIll House, 1984
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Richard Matheson, Hell House, 1999

Cover Image

헨리 제임스, 나사의 회전





Victoria Holt, The Secret Woman, 1970

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Daphne Du Maurier, Rebecca, 1997
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2. 이즈모 야상곡





Frederic Brown, Murder Can be Fun <거의 모두가 살인>으로 번역된 것이 이 작품 맞을까?? 확실치 않다..
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Lawrence Durrell, Alexandria Quartet (Boxed Set)

Lawrence Durrell's series of four novels set in Alexandria, Egypt during the 1940s. The lush and sensuous series consists of:

  • Justine(1957)
  • Balthazar(1958)
  • Mountolive(1958)
  • Clea(1960)

 4. 회전목마
All Shall Be Well, Deborah Crombie, 2004

Life during Wartime, Lucius Shepard, 1987

Mark McShane, Seance on a Wet Afternoon, 1993
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※ A seance is a meeting in which people try to make contact with people who have died. - 네이버 영영사전

존 파울즈, 콜렉터


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