매우 잘 쓴 글임을 알겠다. 왜 인기가 있는지도... 쉽지만 좋다. 우리는 지식이 아니라 지혜를 원한다. 지식은 '아는 것'이고, 지혜는 '이해하는 것'이다. "Knowledge knows. Wisdom sees." 간명하지만 멋진 말이다.

지혜는 우리가 노력으로 얻을 수 있는 것, 하지만 숙련을 필요로 하는 것이다. 희망을 주는 말이다. 하지만 노력 없이는 얻을 수 없다는 것이니 거저 얻으려고 하지 말라는 경고이기도 하다.

... We don’t want what we think we want. We think we want information and knowledge. We do not. We want wisdom... Information is a jumble of facts, knowledge a more organized jumble. Wisdom untangles facts, makes sense of them, and, crucially, suggests how best to use them... Knowledge knows. Wisdom sees. 

  The difference between knowledge and wisdom is one of kind, not degree. Greater knowledge does not necessarily translate into greater wisdom, and in fact can make us less wise. We can know too much, and we can mis-know. 

  Knowledge is something you possess. Wisdom is something you do. It is a skill and, like all others, one you can learn. But it requires effort. Expecting to acquire wisdom by luck is like expecting to learn to play the violin by luck. (p. xiii)

  Most schools today don’t teach philosophy. They teach about philosophies. They don’t teach students how to philosophize. Philosophy is different from other subjects. It is not a body of knowledge but a way of thinking—a way of being in the world. Not a “what” or a “why” but a “how.” (p. xvi)

  “Sooner or later, life makes philosophers of us all,” said the French thinker Maurice Riseling. (p. xviii)

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