Encyclopedia of Japanese Business and Management (Hardcover)
Allan Bird / Routledge / 2001년 12월
평점 :

제목대로이다. 설명이 상당히 간략하면서 요령있게 되어 있다. 그러나 일본에서 나온 경영관련 사전들보다는 당연히 항목도 설명도 작을 수 밖에 없다. 경영실무자보다는 학자를 위한 사전이다. 

다음은 내가 아마존에 썼던 리뷰이다 

For the dictionary on Japanese economy, ¡®MIT Encyclopedia of the Japanese Economy¡¯ has been widely used. Such a dictionary is needed for you can¡¯t read all the material on the Japanese economy. Literatures on Japanese economy are still flooding on the market. Moreover, there are so many sub-disciplines that you can never read through them all, and even making a reading list is prohibitively time-consuming.
MIT Encyclopedia was updated in 1999 to the 2nd edition. It deals with mainly big topics such as unemployment with some length. But this book, published in 2002, tackles not only general economic subjects, but business affairs like Sony, Japanese business in US, and Chalmers Johnson, as title implies. And that I think the quality of articles is not behind MIT¡¯s. This book¡¯s contributors are well-known figures in Japanese studies. And like MIT¡¯s at the end of each article is the reading list on that subject.

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