전출처 : stella.K > Ballet & Dance prints
Ballet & Dance prints
Harvey Edwards - Ballet Slippers
George Barbier, Narcisse..
George Barbier, Narcisse
Harvey Edwards - Intensity
George Barbier, Petrouchka..
Harvey Edwards - Rainbow Dreams
George Barbier, Spectre de la Rose.
Harvey Edwards - Hands
.Barbier, Scheherazade..
Harvey Edwards - Leg Warmers
George Barbier, Cleopatre..
Harvey Edwards - Satin Shoes
George Barbier, Giselle..
Harvey Edwards - Dance is Life
George Barbier, Jeux..
Harvey Edwards - On Tour
George Barbier, Les Sylphides..
Harvey Edwards - Dancer by the Window
George Barbier, Le Pavillon d'Armide..
George Barbier (1865 - July 19, 1945) was one of the great French illustrators of the early 20th century.
Harvey Edwards was born in New York City in 1946. His much acclaimed photographs capture the classic beauty and form of dance.
출처:For Your Second Language.