전출처 : readers > Arthur Chartow Gallery

Arthur Chartow

I want to do at least a few canvases in my lifetime
which will be an emotional kick in the chest.

- Arthur Chartow -

(그림을 클릭하시면 큰 그림으로 보실수 있습니다.)


Quiet Evening on Georgian Bay

Oil on canvas, 20" x 46". Killbear Provincial Park, Ontario.


Pond, Reid State Park, Maine

Oil on panel, 15" x 21".

Schoodic VI

Oil on panel, 12" x 24". Schoodic Peninsula, Maine.

West Pond

Oil on panel, 9" x 14". Schoodic Peninsula, Maine.


Pastel on paper, 23" x 34". Maine.

Outer Head

Oil on canvas, 32" x 36". Reid State Park, Maine.

Tidal Sunrise

Oil on canvas, 18" x 44". Schoodic Peninsula, Maine.

Walden Pond

Oil on canvas, 34" x 48". Between Concord and Lincoln, Mass.
This little cove off the main pond is now turned meadow, last I looked.
Thoreau's original cabin site is about 70 yards to the left of this view.

Small Pond, Maine

Oil on panel, 15" x 21".

Rocks, Low Tide

Oil on canvas, 24" x 40". Maine

Rialto Beach

Oil on panel, 20" x 33". Olympic Peninsula, Washington.

Northeast Creek

Oil on canvas, 26" x 46". Mt. Desert Island, Maine.

Round Pond

Pastel on paper, 23" x 33". Mt. Desert Island, Maine.

Stacks Near Thunder Hole

Oil on panel, 11 1/2" x 19". Mt. Desert Island, Maine.

음악 : Mozart Piano Concerto No.21 in C (1악장) K.467 ('Elvira Madigan')



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밀키웨이 2004-07-13 16:05   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
비개이는 하늘 아래 오랜만에 듣는 엘비라 마디간....
참 좋다요.
그림도 좋고...^_____________^

어젠 놀자고 해놓고 일찍 혼자 들어가 자버리다니....

panda78 2004-07-13 16:07   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
못잤어요... 아침 8시도 넘어서 잤는디... 눈이 아파서 화면을 못 보고 있겠더라구요.. ^^;;
결국 단테 클럽 다 읽고 잤다는... ㅡ..ㅡ;;
에잉- 밀키 온냐--- 삐지지 말기---- 웅? ^^*** 아잉-- 커피 쏘께요. ㅋㅋ

밀키웨이 2004-07-13 16:11   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
제가요, 원래 왕삐짐쟁이 왕투절이랍니다.
삐짐모드 투덜모드의 여왕입죠 ^^;;;;