처음 처음 | 이전 이전 | 1 | 2 |다음 다음 | 마지막 마지막

당신은 몇 살입니까?       How old are you?                 Que edad tieme usted?

나는 25살 입니다.            I'm twenty five years old.    Tengo veintecinco a~nos.

나는 3월 3일에 20살이 됐습니다.  ./I was twentry years old in March  /3.El tres de marzo cumpli veinte a~nos.

동생은 몇살입니까.     How old is your brother?  /Cuantos a~nos tiene su hermano menor?

그는 성년이 아닙니다. He is under age.   /Es menor de edad.

그는 나이보다 젊어 보입니다/.He looks younger than his age/El representa menos a~nos de los que tiene.

그는 나이보다 늙어 보입니다/He looks older than his age/El representa mas edad de la que tiene.

그는 그 나이만큼 보입니다  /He looks his age    /    El representa bien su edad.

그는 나이에 비해서 건강합니다./He is active for his age/Es muy energico para su edad.

저 부인은 나이를 숨기고 있습니다/That woman conseals her age/Esa mujer esconde la edad que tiene.

그녀는 몇살이나 된다고 생각합니까/How about her age?/Que edad pensa usted que tien ella?

그녀는 30살쯤 된다고 생각합니다./I suppose she is thirty/Pienso que puede tener alrededor de treinta a~nos.


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날씨는 어떻습니까?            How is the weather?         Que timepo hace?

좋은 날씨입니다.                 It is fine.                          Hace buen tiempo.

오늘은 좋은 날씨입니다.    It's fine today.                  Hoy hace buen tiempo.

궃은 날씨입니다                  It is bad weather.             Hace aml tiempo.

비가 올것 같습니다.            It looks like rain.              Parece que va a llover.

비가 쫙쫙 내리고 있어요.   It is raining hard               Esta lloviendo a cantaros.

바람이 불고 있습니다         It's blowing.                     Hace viento.

오늘은 춥습니다.                 It's cold today.                 Hace frio

오늘은 대단히 덥습니다.    It's very hot today            Hoy hace mucho calor.

오늘은 선선하다.                 It's cool today.                  Hace fresco hoy.

천둥치고 있습니다.             It's thundering.                   Truena.

벼락쳤습니다.                     It lightens from time to time. Relampaguea de vez en cuando.

비가 그쳤습니다.                 It has stopped rainging.        Ha cesado la lluvia.

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물만두 2004-05-31 10:22   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
Thank You!!! 으 맞는 건지 모르겠다... 써 본지 넘 오래되서리... 알아들으시죠??? s가 붙는지 안 붙는지...


Buenos Dias            Good Morning             안녕하세요(아침)

Buenas Tardes        Good Afternoon           안녕하세요.(점심)

Buenas Noches       Good Evening              안녕하세요(저녁)

Adios                      Good bye (so long)      안녕히 가세요.

Hasta El lunes.        See You on Monday.    월요일에 봅시다.

Vaya usted con dios:Good luck!                  그럼 몸 성히

Oigame!                   Hey!                            여보세요.

Oiga(Hola)                Hello                           여보세요

Tanto gusto deconocerla:How do you do?    처음 뵙습니다.

Me llamo Park.          I"m Park.                      나는 박이라고 합니다.

Muchas Felicidades. :Congratulations!           축하합니다.

How are you?           : Como esta usted?       건강이 어떠십니까?

Muy bien, Gracias.    :Very well. Thanks          좋습니다. 감사합니다.

No, No lo estoy.       :No, I am not in good health: 별로 좋지가 못합니다.

LO siento mucho.     :That's too bad.             그거 안되었군요.

Hasta La Vista.         : See you again.             그럼 나중에 뵙시다.





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English                                    spanish

zero                                        cero

one                                         uno

two                                         dos

three                                       tres

four                                        cuatro

five                                         cinco

six                                          seis

seven                                      siete

eight                                        ocho

nine                                         nueve

ten                                          diez

11                                           once

12                                           doce

13                                           trece

14                                            catorce

15                                            quince

16                                            dieciseis

17                                            diecisiete

18                                            dieciocho

19                                            diecinueve

20                                            veinte

30                                            treinta

40                                            cuarenta

50                                            cincuenta

60                                            sesenta

70                                            setenta

80                                            ochenta

90                                             noventa

100                                           cien

500                                           qinientos

1000                                         mil

5000                                         cinco mil

*스페니쉬를 한국에서는 서반아어라고 하는 가봐요.남가주엔 워낙 hispanic들이 많이 살아서 한 두마디 못하는 한국사람이 오히려 드물 정도입니다. 간단한 회화정도는 저도 하지요.나쁜 말부터 배우는 경우도 있지만....  여기도 여러나라 사람이 많지만 멕시칸들이 제일 순하고 한국사람들과 친한 거 같아요. 특히 잔디깎으시는 분이나 공사하시는 분들은 아주 밀접한 관계지요.이름들도 호세,알베르또,알만도등이 제일 많은거 같더군요.

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*Curses and Insults

Damn it !                                  Chikusho!        

Shit!                                         Kuso!

What did you say?                   Nante itta -no?     

Are you stupid or what?          Baka-janai?

You are crazy!                        Ikareten-jania-no!

Don't act stupid!                      Baka yamete-yo!

Liar!                                        Usotsuki!

You got a big mouth!               Oshaberi!

Stop it!                                    Yamete-yo!

Leave me alone!                    Hottoite-yo              

Fuck off!                                 Kiero!/Acchiitte-yo

Shut up!                                 Damatte-yo/Damare-yo!

Go to hell!                              Kutabare!

You dog!                                Kono -yaro!


 아마 한국에서 이런 정도의 책은 나오기 힘들지 않을까요? 앞으로는 싸울 때 '일어'로 싸우세요.   잘 못 알아듣게....

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처음 처음 | 이전 이전 | 1 | 2 |다음 다음 | 마지막 마지막